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What is the Oregon Homeownership Stabilization Initiative, and how can it help you? Get quick answers to many of your initial questions.
This program provides OHSI Program Participants with the tools and information that will help them make the most of their assistance. LEARN MORE»
Oregon Homeownership Stabilization Initiative

The Oregon Homeownership Stabilization Initiative (OHSI) is now accepting Mortgage Payment Assistance Unemployment (MPA-U) applications. Visit the MPA-U page for more information about program timelines and eligibility.


The Loan Refinancing Assistance Pilot Project (LRAPP) is now available in Deschutes and Jackson counties. This program is designed to address the needs of homeowners in these counties, who suffer disproportionately from the foreclosure crisis in Oregon. Visit the LRAPP page for more information about eligibility.


The Loan Preservation Assistance (LPA) is now available in some counties with additional counties to be added in the coming weeks. The LPA Program will provide up to $20,000 in assistance toward re-instatement for an estimated 2,000 eligible homeowners across the state. Visit the LPA page for more information and to check availability for each county.


More information about programs afforded through OHSI can be found on the FAQs page and on our reporting page. To contact OHSI, please send an e-mail to homeownerhelp@hcs.state.or.us.

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