Boehner cuts off talks with Obama

Russell Berman - 07/22/11 09:20 PM ET

House Republican leaders have called off negotiations with the White House over a broad deficit-reduction deal.…

Related: Hensarling: Dems need to pass ‘cut, cap, and balance’

Related: Obama sees choice: Compromise or achieve nothing

Boehner rebuts Obama's criticism, says the president moved the goal posts

Erik Wasson - 07/22/11 08:05 PM ET

The House Speaker blamed President Obama for wrecking a bargain on the deficit with a last-minute demand for taxes.…
Welch renews call for clean debt-ceiling vote after implosion of White House talks

Mike Lillis - 07/22/11 09:29 PM ET

Congress now has few other choices to stave off default, says Rep. Peter Welch.…
FAA furloughs 4,000 workers after funding expires, congressional 'inaction'

Pete Kasperowicz and Jamie Klatell - 07/23/11 07:03 AM ET

Congress failed to pass a reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration's funding.…

Related: FAA braces for partial shutdown

GOP leader says House might take up balanced-budget amendment next week

Pete Kasperowicz - 07/22/11 05:16 PM ET

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said it is "likely" the House will take up a bill to amend the Constitution.…
Senate votes to kill House GOP's 'cut, cap and balance' budget measure

Josiah Ryan - 07/22/11 10:48 AM ET

The Senate voted 51-46 along strict party lines Friday to kill the House Republicans' "cut, cap and balance" legislation. …
Senate Republicans vow to break trade impasse; Democrats unconvinced

Vicki Needham - 07/22/11 03:12 PM ET

Two Republican senators said they have a way to break an impasse that would win approval for three trade deals.…
House makes 6.4 percent cut to congressional budget in 252-159 vote

Pete Kasperowicz - 07/22/11 11:24 AM ET

The House on Friday approved a bill cutting the congressional budget by 6.4 percent. …
House spares Pelosi's ethics office

Pete Kasperowicz - 07/22/11 10:36 AM ET

The House voted Friday to spare the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) from a 40 percent budget cut. …
White House: Before Boehner walked, debt deal was close at hand

Bob Cusack and Sam Youngman

07/22/11 09:10 PM ET

White House officials expressed exasperation about what they described as a puzzling turn of events.…
Obama blasts GOP, Boehner on debt: ‘We have run out of time’

Sam Youngman

07/22/11 06:56 PM ET

President summons congressional leaders to White House for Saturday morning talks on the debt ceiling.…
Dem leaders stand by Obama on debt talks, slam Boehner's move

Mike Lillis and Joe Picard

07/22/11 06:48 PM ET

Sen. Reid agreed with Obama that any deal must include revenue raisers as well as spending cuts.…
Report: Rep. Wu accused of 'unwanted sexual encounter'

Jamie Klatell

07/23/11 07:38 AM ET

A woman called Rep. David Wu's office and left a "distraught" voicemail message, the Oregonian reported.…
'Don't ask, don't tell' policy will end Sept. 20, Obama announces

Daniel Strauss

07/22/11 04:26 PM ET

President Obama on Friday certified the repeal of the policy that bans gays from serving openly in the military. …
HHS rejects North Dakota health waiver, approves two others

Julian Pecquet

07/22/11 04:55 PM ET

North Dakota became the first state to be denied a medical loss ratio waiver under the healthcare reform law.…
Boehner: 'We are not close' to reaching a debt deal with Obama

Erik Wasson and Russell Berman

07/22/11 11:17 AM ET

“I would just suggest it is going to be a hot weekend here in Washington, D.C.,” the Speaker said. …

Related: Boehner slams Obama, Reid over debt ceiling

Related: Boehner says talks driving him 'right up a wall'

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