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    Hong Kong IPOs Face Challenges

    Investors signaled their increasing nervousness about the state of the Chinese and U.S. economies, pushing Samsonite International to price its $1.25 billion initial public offering at the bottom of its latest price guidance. Those jitters will make it more challenging for China Everbright Bank, which wants to raise around US$7 billion through an IPO over the next month.

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    Morgan Stanley Launches JV

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    China Imports Jumped in May






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    How to Read this Chart

    • High
    • Current price, up from close
    • Price at prior day's close
    • Current price, down from close
    • Low


    Analysis and insights from The Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones Newswires on the news in China, India, Japan and Korea.

    • [PLANK_1]

      Planking: The Web's Latest Bored Game

      One of the latest kooky Internet fads—planking—is moving into the real world in real-time. The trend involves turning one's body into the shape of a wooden plank, often precariously.

    • [POW_2]

      Fed's Unease, Romney's Pass, China Surprise

      The week in essential news, analysis, graphics and photos.

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      China's Good, Bad and Ugly Stocks

      U.S.-listed China stocks are taking a beating. But in the rush to judgment, investors risk confusing the good with the bad and the ugly.

    • [JOHNA]

      Empowering Our Brains

      The intelligence workout: Jonah Lehrer on how University of Michigan researchers may have discovered a way to improve IQ.

    • [OB-OG615_candle_A_20110610031604.jpg]

      It's Protest Day

      June 10 often turns out to be one of the biggest days of the year for protests in South Korea. That's because it's the anniversary of the starting day of the 1987 democracy protests that ultimately forced the writing of a democratic constitution. Activists on South Korea's political left don't intend to disappoint this year.

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    • [061011pod01]

      Photos of the Day: June 10

      In today's pictures, the death toll from flooding rises in China, a disgraced army colonel is murdered in a contract-style killing in Russia, a man looks through rose-colored glasses in Denmark and more.