Illinois General Assembly

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House Committees     97th General Assembly
Adoption Reform ADPT Not ScheduledBills
Aging HAGI Not ScheduledBills
Agriculture & Conservation HAGC Not ScheduledBills
 - Animals Subcommittee HAGC-ANIM Not ScheduledBills
 - Firearms Subcommittee HAGC-FIRE Not ScheduledBills
 - Food Products Subcommittee HAGC-FOOD Not ScheduledBills
 - Hunting Subcommittee HAGC-HUNT Not ScheduledBills
Approp-Elementary & Secondary Educ HAPE Not ScheduledBills
Appropriations-General Service HAPG Not ScheduledBills
Appropriations-Higher Education HAPI Not ScheduledBills
Appropriations-Human Services HAPH Not ScheduledBills
Appropriations-Public Safety HAPP Not ScheduledBills
Armed Forces & Military Affairs HAMA Not ScheduledBills
Bio-Technology HBIO Not ScheduledBills
Business Occupational Licenses HBOL Not ScheduledBills
 - Licensure Review Subcommittee HBOL-LICR Not ScheduledBills
Cities & Villages HCIV Not ScheduledBills
Committee of the Whole HCWL Not ScheduledBills
Consumer Protection HCON Not ScheduledBills
 - Consumer Review Subcommittee HCON-CRVW Not ScheduledBills
Counties & Townships HCOT Not ScheduledBills
 - Local Government Administration SubHCOT-LOCG Not ScheduledBills
 - Revenue & Spending Subcommittee HCOT-SPEN Not ScheduledBills
Disability Services HDIS Not ScheduledBills
Elections & Campaign Reform HECR Not ScheduledBills
Elementary & Secondary Education HELM Not ScheduledBills
 - Mandate Subcommittee HELM-MANS Not ScheduledBills
 - Success in Schools Subcommittee HELM-SUSS Not ScheduledBills
Environment & Energy HENE Not ScheduledBills
Environmental Health HENH Not ScheduledBills
Executive HEXC Not ScheduledBills
Financial Institutions HFIN Not ScheduledBills
Health & Healthcare Disparities HHCD Not ScheduledBills
Health Care Availability Access HHCA Not ScheduledBills
Health Care Licenses HHCL Not ScheduledBills
 - Licensures Review Subcommittee HHCL-LICE Not ScheduledBills
Higher Education HHED Not ScheduledBills
Housing HOUS Not ScheduledBills
Human Services HHSV Not ScheduledBills
 - Assistance and Benefits SubcommitteHHSV-ASBE Not ScheduledBills
 - Facilities and Institutions SubcommHHSV-FAIN Not ScheduledBills
Insurance HINS Not ScheduledBills
International Trade & Commerce HITC Not ScheduledBills
Judiciary I - Civil Law HJUA Not ScheduledBills
 - Cemeteries Subcommittee HJUA-CEME Not ScheduledBills
 - Government Operations Subcommittee HJUA-GOOP Not ScheduledBills
 - Housing and Property Subcommittee HJUA-HOPO Not ScheduledBills
 - Judicial Process Subcommittee HJUA-JUDP Not ScheduledBills
Judiciary II - Criminal Law HJUB Not ScheduledBills
 - Corrections Subcommittee HJUB-CORR Not ScheduledBills
 - Drugs Subcommittee HJUB-DRGS Not ScheduledBills
 - Sex Crime Subcommittee HJUB-SEXC Not ScheduledBills
Labor HLBR Not ScheduledBills
 - Unemployment Insurance SubcommitteeHLBR-UEMP Not ScheduledBills
 - Workers' Compensation Subcommittee HLBR-WORK Not ScheduledBills
Mass Transit HMAS Not ScheduledBills
Personnel & Pensions HPPN Not ScheduledBills
Public Utilities HPUB Not ScheduledBills
Redistricting DIST Not ScheduledBills
Revenue & Finance HREF Not ScheduledBills
 - Finance HREF-FINC Not ScheduledBills
 - Income Tax HREF-ITAX Not ScheduledBills
 - Property Tax HREF-PTAX Not ScheduledBills
 - Sales and Other Taxes HREF-STAX Not ScheduledBills
 - Tax Sales Subcommittee HREF-TAXS Not ScheduledBills
Rules                         *ReportsHRUL Not ScheduledBills
Small Business Empowerment & WorkfoHSBE ScheduledBills
State Government Administration HSGA Not ScheduledBills
 - New State Programs or Expenditures HSGA-NEWS Not ScheduledBills
 - Procedures Subcommittee HSGA-PROC Not ScheduledBills
 - Special License Plate Subcomittee HSGA-LICN Not ScheduledBills
Telecommunications HTEL Not ScheduledBills
Tollway Oversight HTOL Not ScheduledBills
 - Tollway Oversight Review SubcommittHTOL-TOLL Not ScheduledBills
Tourism & Conventions HTOR Not ScheduledBills
Transportation, Regulation, Roads HTRR Not ScheduledBills
 - Railroad and Air Transportation SubHTRR-RAIL Not ScheduledBills
 - Transportation Reg. and Reg. SubcomHTRR-TRRS Not ScheduledBills
Transportation: Vehicles & Safety HVES Not ScheduledBills
 - Speed Limits Subcommittee HVES-SPED Not ScheduledBills
Veterans' Affairs HVET Not ScheduledBills