

Outreach at URI consists of teaching, research and service activities that connect the University beachin mutually beneficial relationships through the exchange and application of knowledge with non-traditional audiences in the state, nation or world. 

Outreach activities can take a number of forms, including, credit and noncredit instruction, applied research, technical assistance, evaluation studies, and policy analysis. 

At URI the forms are structured under Teaching Outreach, Service Outreach, and Research Outreach. 




Teaching Outreach is the transfer of single or multi-discipline based content and concepts viatraditional or alternative formats to audiences other than the traditional undergraduate or graduateprograms or curricula of the University.
¨ Master Gardener Program 
¨ Guiding Education in Math & Science (GEMS/NET)




Service Outreach is the application of knowledge gained in academic teaching, research, and work experience for the benefit of others external to the University.

¨ Medical Education Resource Center (M.E.R.C.)
¨ The Sensors and Surface Technology Partnership


medsResearch Outreach is the application of research to a particular real world issue where the researcher in turn utilizes feedback from the audience to further develop his/her continuing research program.
¨ Rhode Island Sea Grant 
¨ URI Watershed Watch