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Scenes from Green Hall

Office of the President

President Dooley

A message from President Dooley

"Research, scholarship, and creative work are at the heart of the University of Rhode Island. As a land-grant public university, we were created to conduct research and then translate that research in ways that would improve the lives of the people of the state. Although our research mission has broadened considerably beyond that originally envisioned - it now encompasses numerous disciplines that could not be foreseen in the 19th century - research for the public good remains a distinctive attribute of the 21st century land-grant university.

The University's designations as a sea-grant and urban-grant university are also reflected in the research and scholarship of our faculty, research staff, and students. The engagement of our students, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, in research, scholarship, and creative work is of critical importance to their education. I am convinced that the best approach to preparing students for their careers is to inspire them to discover, create, and innovate. Therefore we encourage our students to become an integral part of the community of discovery that is the modern research university.

Given the dramatic rate of change that is already so characteristic of the 21st century, the human capacity for innovation has perhaps never been more important. The University of Rhode Island has a highly innovative faculty, and they are creating new knowledge, new capacities, and new ways to teach that will serve our students, the state, the nation, and the world extremely well."

David M. Dooley, Ph.D.

Dr. David M. Dooley became the 11th president of the University of Rhode Island in July 2009. He joined the University with nearly 30 years of experience in public and private higher education. Prior to joining the University, Dr. Dooley was the provost and vice president for Academic Affairs at Montana State, which was the school's second highest-ranking administrative position.

Link to a brief biography. Click on the image above to download the high resolution picture of President Dooley.

Photography by Nora Lewis, Division of University Advancement.

Communications - Blog

President DooleyPresident David Dooley Blogs

Read the President's thoughts about "Discovering More at URI." You can also subscribe to receive his blog posts.rss


URI community members were invited to the second "Conversation with the President." At this meeting, President David Dooley discussed issues of the day and highlighted what he feels are the University's key priorities moving forward. His formal talk was followed by a Q&A session with the faculty, staff and students attending.

President David M. Dooley

In his community message, President David M. Dooley says "Thank You" for supporting URI's achievements in 2010 and looks forward to a prosperous and transformational 2011 for our University and our State of Rhode Island.