Source: California Invasive Plant Council

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Across California, invasive plants damage wildlands. Invasive plants displace native plants and wildlife, increase wildfire and flood danger, consume valuable water, degrade recreational opportunities, and destroy productive range and timber lands. Cal-IPC works with land managers, researchers, policy makers, and concerned citizens to protect the state from invasive plants. More info...

New at

  • Cal-IPC Symposium: Registration is now open. Join us at Lake Tahoe More info...
  • Sierra recommendations: Statewide maps and management recommendations for invasive plants in the Sierra Nevada. More info...
  • 2011 Field Courses: Registration now open. Learn about our Invasive Plant Manager certificate. More info...
  • Arundo report: New report on Arundo impacts, with detailed maps of coastal watersheds. More info...
  • Watchlist: Compilation of non-native plants of potential concern observed in California wildlands. More info...
  • Map the Spread! Our statewide data collection initiative, producing statewide distribution maps. More info...
  • Job board: Learn about available positions and post jobs to our new webpage. More info...
  • Student Chapter: Visit Cal-IPC's student chapter on Facebook or on their website.
  • National coalitions: Cal-IPC is a proud participant in NAEPPC, NECIS, and NNIPC.
  • Facebook: Stay up to date with Cal-IPC's breaking invasive plant news. "Like" our new Facebook page.
  • Support us when you search: Use GoodSearch and select
    Cal-IPC as your group.

California Invasive Plant Council
1442-A Walnut St., #462  ~  Berkeley, CA 94709
p: (510) 843-3902  ~  f: (510) 217-3500  ~