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Facebook today launched the ability to tag Pages in photos, just as people can be tagged already. In a post on Facebook (oddly enough) the company outlined the new feature which it believes will enable people to ‘share richer stories’. We at RedmondPie aren’t quite sure what they mean by that, but we’ll give them the benefit of the doubt on that one.

Rovio Mobile, the makers of smash hit mobile game Angry Birds announced a new browser-based version of the game at today’s Google I/O event.

Apple is the target of another lawsuit over the company’s collection of location data, writes The Loop. Filed in the United States District Court for the District Of Puerto Rico the suit claims Apple, The Weather Channel and Pandora Media are intentionally intercepting personally identifying information.

Apple has just released a new 4.2.2 software update (based on iOS 4.3) for the second generation Apple TV. This release contains various bug fixes and improvements over the last release.

One of the major irritations with the way iOS works is the inability to backup your app data without the need to connect your device to iTunes. Going one step further, wouldn’t it be great if apps across multiple devices could stay in sync, using the magic of the cloud?

Facebook really is one of the biggest success stories of the last 10 years, and not just when it comes to companies based around the internet. Infamously founded by Mark Zuckerberg while at Harvard, Facebook is now home to over 600 million users – and it shows no sign of slowing in its meteoric rise to ruling to social networking world. But what if Facebook was never founded? It just so happens rent-an-evangelist Guy Kawasaki asked that very same question and came up with this infographic courtesy of SimpleGrain.

It’s been a great 24 hours for the guys behind MyGreatFest, the first ever iOS community convention after they announced an event will be taking place in the United States next year, as well as a new attendee for the UK event in September.

Facebook and privacy just don’t seem to be the best of friends, and today the social network had to remove a whole API in order to stop personal data being accessible by third parties.

With Google’s release of its Music Beta today, iOS users were once again left out in the cold when the search giant said the service was Android only. Thankfully though, as with all things geeky, some clever people on the web discovered a way to get the Music Beta goodness on their iOS device.

Google today announced a raft of new products and features at its I/O event in San Francisco, a couple of which stand out above the rest. Here we offer a short rundown of what we think are the most interesting things to come out of Google today.

3D shows no sign of going away, with more 3D TVs arriving by the day, and soon our smartphones will also pack an extra ‘D’. The first to hit US shores will be the LG Optimus 3D, or Thrill 4G if you prefer the name AT&T have given it.

While Facebook’s iPhone app has certainly improved lately, it’s still far from the smooth, slick experience we iPhone users are so used to these days. Unfortunately, it’s the only real way to upload photos to Facebook from an iPhone, but if you’re a jailbreaker there’s a new tweak that’s going to rock your world. Enter, FBUploader.

It’s taken much, much longer than we ever expected but three new Photoshop companion apps are now available for the iPad, and by all accounts they’re as good as we’d hoped.

Remember when we told you how CNET had gotten hold of IRC logs that they claimed showed people planning to attack Sony’s servers once more? Now the website is claiming Sony actually managed to thwart the would-be hackers, and it’s all thanks to them.

Its official now folks! The Skype+Microsoft deal is a go, with the Redmond-based software giant announcing today that they have acquired Skype for a whooping $8.5 Billion.

This is just in! After WSJ report, Kara of AllThingsD has now confirmed that Microsoft has indeed bought Skype for a staggering amount of $8.5 Billion.

It may be nearly two years old, but there’s life in the old iPhone 3GS yet and, as reported by AppleInsider, the veteran handset is still outselling some newer Android handsets.

AirPlay, Apple’s magic video and audio streaming service allows users to ‘throw’ content from one enabled device to another. There’s nothing more magical (and revolutionary) than sending video from an iPhone to the big screen via an Apple TV, and now thanks to DoubleTwist, Android owners can join in the fun.

According to a report by WPP’s “BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands”, Apple has surpassed Google to become world’s most valuable brand. The brand value of Apple has increased 859% since the year 2006.

We’ve all been there. Apple releases a new version of iOS, you wait for the jailbreak to become available and you update. The problem now though is you’re left facing the long and tedious task of getting your iPhone back to just the way you like it. After a good while becoming intimately acquainted with Cydia and a lot of restarts later you’re done. But chances are you’ve forgotten something and you’ll be doing the Cydia shuffle again.

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