Fired IT Guy Uses Porn for Revenge

Author: Susan Myers
Published: June 29, 2011 at 12:04 am

There exists those folks that it is best not to provoke. You know, like the guy who cooks your meal, or the postman who is handling your mail, or the person who is in charge of typing up your paycheck. But apparently, there is one more to add to the list. That guy down in the IT department who has the access and the know-how to totally mess with your life via the internet.

To most folks, the computer is a magical box that makes our life just that much easier. And when it breaks down on occasion, and we go into a full blown panic, we know that all we have to do is call the all-knowing IT guy who will simply roll his eyes and then tell us to turn it off and turn it back on again. And if that doesn't work, he'll do magical things from his remote location somewhere in the top secret bowels of the building and your computer will suddenly spring back to life, systems ready to go. Because the dude is magical like that.

One such IT guy was Walter Powell, formerly the IT Director for Baltimore Substance Abuse Systems. He was apparently let go for unknown reasons, but whatever it was, was enough to set him off on a master plan of revenge. You see our buddy Walter still had access to BSAS's computer system and using his still active passcodes was able to get into that system and create utter havoc.

And that he did. For thirty-two days he messed with employee emails, forwarding them onto others. Which I'm sure resulted in plenty of embarrassing moments all around. He then pretended to be BSAS CEO Greg Warren, composing a fake email from his account and sending it to the entire BSAS distribution list.

Continued on the next page

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Article Author: Susan Myers

By day, I'm a mild mannered Executive Assistant working in Atlanta. But in the evening, I jump into my imaginary phone booth, and become a Super Crafty Humor writer. But that's just between me and you. Right?

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