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home > resources


This ‘RESOURCES’ page takes you to statistics, research, publications and other services offered by the WTO.

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For official documents and legal texts,
go to Documents

For issues covered by the agreements, councils and committees,
go to Trade topics

For information about the WTO, membership, the secretariat, jobs, etc,
go to The WTO

For special areas for journalists and NGOs, go to Community/Forums


Economic research, analysis




Watch live and archived WTO events


Photo galleries


RSS news feeds

WTO distance learning

The WTO offers a number of interactive training modules on WTO subjects. Each module is built on course material developed by WTO experts and includes a number of interactive tests to assess the user's progress.


Search the WTO library

This online facility provides you access to the services and collections of the WTO Library.  With nearly 40,000 monographs, more than 1,000 periodicals, and over 800 current yearbooks, the Library is the depository of GATT/WTO official documents and publications dating back to the Havana Charter, and has a comprehensive collection of national statistics from Member and non-Member countries.

Please note that some features of this system are designed for use by WTO staff and are only accessible to those within the WTO network.


WTO Terminology Database (opens a new window)

This link takes you to WTOTERM — the database for translators where you can find the terminology of the organisation in its three official languages. WTOTERM currently contains more than 10,000 terms and is updated regularly.  



Guide to downloading


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