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Buy for the Bay this Holiday

December 2008 -- Everyone is looking to save a few bucks this holiday season. Why not give a gift that helps both the Chesapeake Bay and your bottom line? These gift ideas are beneficial because they help cut pollution to the Bay and save your friends and family some green.

Gifts that Grow

Between 1985 and 2005, the Bay watershed lost 730,000 acres of forest lands (an area the size of Rhode Island), which translates into approximately 100 acres of forest lost every day. Be part of the solution this season and give a tree to help restore the Chesapeake to its historic beauty. You can donate a tree online through programs like Tree-Mendous Maryland.

Gifts that Support

Help out a watershed organization in your neighborhood by giving a donation in someone’s name. To find an organization in your area, visit our watershed organization directory. By supporting these organizations you are helping to restore the Chesapeake.

Gifts that Save Energy

Most of the energy we use comes from burning coal in power plants, which emit chemicals that not only pollute the air but our water as well. Devices such as the Energy Detective monitor energy use in real-time, allowing your friends and family to learn from their energy use to conserve energy and help the environment. They’ll also save money -- up to 10 to 20 percent on their electricity bills.

Gifts that Save Water

Another way to help your loved ones save money and resources this season is to give a Water Conservation Kit. The more water we use, the more that is dumped into our septic systems and sewage treatment plants, requiring more energy use and costly upgrades over time. Installing low-flow showerheads, sink aerators and toilet dams in your home can cut your water usage by 40 percent.

Wrapping Bay-friendly

Now that the gift is out of the way, how should you wrap it? Consider this: if every American family wrapped just three presents in reused materials, it would save enough paper to cover 45,000 football fields. Try wrapping gifts in colorful magazines or old newspapers. Or put those mail order catalogs to good use!

With a few simple alternatives we can reduce our holiday waste and improve the environment around us. So remember to buy for the Bay this holiday!

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Last modified: 12/19/2008
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410 Severn Avenue / Suite 112 / Annapolis, Maryland 21403
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