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 ON THIS PAGE:    What is the WTO?    Decision-making    Members    WTO Secretariat    Procurement at the WTO   Assistance   Anniversary events   Annual reports    Jobs    Glossary

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Information about the institution. The WTO is a rules-based, member-driven organization — all decisions are made by the member governments, and the rules are the outcome of negotiations among members.

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What is the WTO?  back to top

Read and download explanations of what the WTO is and does.


Decision-making  back to top

  • Organization chart
    All WTO members may participate in all councils, committees, etc, except Appellate Body, Dispute Settlement panels, Textiles Monitoring Body, and plurilateral committees.
    > Current WTO chairpersons
  • Ministerial conferences
    The WTO’s top decision-making body. Meets at least once every two years.
  • General Council
    Top day-to-day decision-making body. Meets regularly, normally in Geneva.


Membership  back to top


WTO Secretariat  back to top



Procurement at the WTO  back to top


Assistance for developing countries  back to top


The WTO and other organizations  back to top
Cooperation between multilateral institutions on global economic policy-making.


Anniversary events  back to top


Annual publications  back to top


Jobs in the WTO  back to top


Glossary  back to top


How to contact the WTO  back to top

General enquiries, publications, the website. Also copyright and trademark statements.


Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Established: 1 January 1995
Created by: Uruguay Round negotiations (1986-94)  
Membership: countries on
Budget: 194 million Swiss francs for 2010
Secretariat staff: 637
Head: Pascal Lamy (Director-General)

• Administering WTO trade agreements
• Forum for trade negotiations
• Handling trade disputes
• Monitoring national trade policies
• Technical assistance and training for developing countries
• Cooperation with other international organizations 


contact us : World Trade Organization, rue de Lausanne 154, CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland