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2011 Course Tuition and Financial Assistance

Summer Course tuition for 2011 is $4,875; there are no additional fees. On-campus room and board expenses vary depending on length of course and may be found on the Housing and Dining web-site.  Most students who request financial aid receive substantial awards towards tuition; in recent years, the MBL has provided up to 70% of full tuition assistance to all summer students requesting it.  Financial assistance is available to both U.S. and non-U.S. citizens.

In most cases, the MBL expects the costs of attending a course to be shared among the student, his/her home institution, and the MBL in a three-way commitment. We expect that students will discuss this obligation with their home department or institution, and request/secure financial aid to be applied toward these expenses. We also expect students to realize some of their own expenses by providing personal funds as available. MBL financial aid is based upon need; applying for financial assistance will not affect your opportunity for admission to an MBL course.

Limited financial assistance is available for both U.S. and non-U.S. citizens attending certain Special Topic Courses.  Refer to Table below.

Students wishing to apply for financial assistance may do so on the applicable course application form. Your request for financial assistance will have no bearing on your opportunity for admission to any of the MBL courses.

select links for dates
Summer Courses $4,875 NO YES
Analytical & Quantitative Light Microscopy $3,090 YES NO
Biology of the Inner Ear All costs covered by funding agency Partial travel support
BioMedical Informatics I & II Click for more Info
Frontiers in Reproduction $4,635 NO YES
Frontiers in Stem Cells and Regenration $2,650  NO YES
Gene Regulatory Networks $925 YES NO
Methods in Computational Neuroscience $1,750 NO YES
Molecular Biology of Aging Click for more Info
Molecular Mycology $2,250 NO YES
Neuroinformatics $1,550 NO YES
NeuroStereology Workshop For Course Application information
Optical Microscopy & Imaging
in the Biomedical Sciences
$2,880 YES NO
Seminar in the History of Biology For Course Application information
Strategies and Techniques for Analyzing Microbial Population Structures $100 YES NO
Teaching About Neurobiology of Brain Dysfunction $1,000 NO Partial
Summer Program in Neuroscience,
Ethics and Survival
Click for more Info
Workshop on Molecular Evolution $1,800 YES NO
Zebrafish Development and Genetics

NOTE:  Summer Program in Neuroscience, Ethics and Survival (SPINES) is a full fellowship program covering all student expenses.  Students applying to SPINES should NOT request MBL financial assistance.

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