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Foreign Nationals

Tax Issues and Withholdings

The Financial Services Office, with support from the Office of Education, and the Foreign National Coordinator, handles the payment of funds to any international student or scholar that comes to the MBL. In this capacity, the office must assure compliance with tax treaties by collecting necessary information and tax forms to determine if withholding from the payment is necessary and handled in an appropriate fashion.

A Foreign National is an individual, who is not a citizen of the United States and does not pay income taxes in the US. These persons are in the US with visas. This visa documentation determines whether or not the individual is permitted to work/accept payments in the US.

A first step in this process is submission of information through the Foreign National Information System (FNIS). This automated system helps us determine the necessary tax forms and withholding for your stay at the MBL. Upon your arrival you will also need to meet with the Financial Services Administrator to share copies of your passport and other necessary documents as well as in certain circumstances sign U.S. tax forms.

Further information is provided below.

Tax Issues and Withholdings
U.S. Tax Information for Nonresident Aliens
Applying for a U.S. Social Security Number or Taxpayer Identification Number
Non-MBL Visa Holders
Foreign National Information System - Instructions
FNIS Log-in - Username/Password Required - See instructions above

Mailing Address:

Kate Ahern-Wolseley
Financial Services Administrator
Marine Biological Laboratory
7 MBL Street
Woods Hole, MA 02543 USA

Location: Homestead 212
Telephone: (508) 289-7275
Fax: (508) 289-7931
Email: fnational@mbl.edu

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