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StudentsIt's Paris, It's Mecca, It's a Dream. Former students wax poetic when they reflect on their MBL days.

Download a complete 2009 Course Schedule

NOTE: the 2010 course schedule has not yet been finalized. Please check back in October.

Programs for undergraduates and science writers enrich the overall academic atmosphere at the MBL by bringing diversity to the scientific community.

The following programs are offered on the MBL campus by various groups independent of the Office of Education. These programs typically have their own funding and administrative mechanisms that make use of MBL teaching facilities and services. Please contact each program's administrator directly for more information.

Other Educational Programs

Arctic Climate and Freshwater Ecosystems
Contact: Chris Lace
International Arctic Research Center
University of Alaska
930 Koyukuk Drive
P. O. Box 757340
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7340
Phone: 907-474-7413
Fax: 907-474-5662
E-mail: clace@iarc.uaf.edu

Biological Discovery in Woods Hole
Summer Opportunity for Undergraduate Research

Department of Education
7 MBL Street
Woods Hole MA 02543

Brown/MBL Graduate Program
Contact: Chris Neill
Marine Biological Laboratory
7 MBL Street
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1015
(508) 289-7481
E-mail: mbl.brown@mbl.edu

Discover the Microbes Within!: The Wolbachia Project

Contact: Michele Bahr
Marine Biological Laboratory
7 MBL Street
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1015
(508) 289-7726
E-mail: mbahr@mbl.edu

Science Journalism Program
Contact: Science Journalism Program at the MBL
Marine Biological Laboratory
7 MBL Street
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1015
(508) 289-7423
E-mail: aearly@mbl.edu

MRC Internship Program
Contact: The Marine Resources Center
Marine Biological Laboratory
7 MBL Street
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1015
(508) 289-7700
E-mail: bburbank@mbl.edu

NASA Planetary Biology Internship Program (PBI)
Contact: Michael Dolan
Department of Geosciences
University of Massachusetts
Box 35810
Amherst, MA 01003-5810
(413) 545-3223 Phone
(413) 545-1200 Fax
E-mail: pbi@geo.umass.edu

Semester in Environmental Science
Contact: Semester in Environmental Science
Marine Biological Laboratory
7 MBL Street
C.V. Starr 116
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1015
(508) 289-7777
E-mail: SES@mbl.edu