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Undergraduate Opportunities
Brown / MBL summer courses
Biological Discovery in Wood Hole: Summer Opportunities for Undergraduate Research. The MBL seeks ten highly motivated rising sophomore and junior students, who are interested in pursuing careers in the life sciences, to participate in this National Science Foundation – Research Experience for Undergraduate (NSF REU) program... More>>>
SES special topics courses
A 15-week fall semester at the MBL’s Ecosystems Center. The SES curriculum provides an intensive field and laboratory-based introduction to ecosystem science and the biogeochemistry of coastal forests, freshwater ponds and estuaries... More>>>
K-12 Educational Programs special topics courses As part of its outreach and education role, the Marine Resources Center (MRC) of the MBL has established an internship program with one-semester positions available to college students and longer programs for recent college graduates... More>>>

research resources
  MBLWHOI Library
The Library maintains one of the world's largest collections of biomedical, oceanographic, and marine biological literature.
  Biological Bulletin
The Bulletin, a general biological journal, has been published by the MBL since 1897.
  Marine Organisms
Biologists value marine organisms because they serve as excellent models for understanding all living systems.
  Meetings, Seminars, Events
The MBL offers public lecture series and seminars throughout the year.
  Research/Admin. Services
The MBL offers resident and visiting scientists with a variety of research services.
  Publications, Databases
Journals published at MBL, LabNotes, Collecting Net, Articles, Marine Models Publications.

Other Summer Research Opportunities:
Individual investigators at the MBL have various funded opportunities each year for undergraduates to do field- and laboratory-based research as part of that investigator’s research program. For a listing of individual opportunities and how to apply, please visit the MBL Human Resource Department’s job listing web site.

West Falmouth Harbor is Outdoor Classroom for MBL's Environmental Science Students

2010 MBL Undergraduate Research Symposium Abstracts (PDF format)