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The contact information on the MBL electronic directory and elsewhere in this website is provided solely for the information of the MBL community and those who have a specific interest in reaching a specific individual. Any solicitation of business, information, contributions or other response from individuals listed in this publication by mail, telephone or other means is forbidden.

MBL Online Phone Directory
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Marine Biological Laboratory
7 MBL Street
Woods Hole, MA 02543
Phone Numbers:

Main Number: 508-548-3705
Public Information: 508-289-7423
Department: 508-289+extension

Department:   Phone:   E-mail:
Accounts Payable   7224   ap@mbl.edu
Accounts Receivable   7266   ar@mbl.edu
Alumni Affairs   7416   kshaw@mbl.edu
Apparatus   7444   whaskins@mbl.edu
Associates Office   7281   sjoslin@mbl.edu
Biological Bulletin   7149   bbeditor@mbl.edu
Children's Programs   7422   humanres@mbl.edu
Communications/Public Information   7423  
Conferences/Meetings   7214   conferences@mbl.edu
Development   7650   development@mbl.edu

Director's Office 7300 mdonovan@mbl.edu

Education   7401, 7340, 7268  
Environmental, Health, and Safety Department 7424 jmarcello@mbl.edu
Financial Information   7275   fi@mbl.edu
Housing   7431   housing@mbl.edu
Human Resources   7422   hr@mbl.edu
Information Technology/Computer Services   7654   helpdesk@mbl.edu
Library   7002   library@mbl.edu
Marine Resources Center   7700   bburbank@mbl.edu
Microscopy   7273   lkerr@mbl.edu
Office of Sponsored Programs 7691 rlynn@mbl.edu
Plant Operations and Maintenance, Security 7776 (7217 after hours) pom@mbl.edu
Purchasing   7449   lhall@mbl.edu
Research Awards 7173 researchawards@mbl.edu
Research Space Assignments   7173   casooffice@mbl.edu
Stockroom (Chemicals)   7236   chemroom@mbl.edu
Webmaster   7121   web@mbl.edu

research resources
  MBLWHOI Library   Biological Bulletin  
  Marine Organisms   Meetings, Seminars, Events  
  Research/Administrative Services   Publications, Databases