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Biology of Aging
Molecular Biology of Aging
Directors: Steven N. Austad, University of Texas Health Science Center; and Gary B. Ruvkun, Massachusetts General Hospital

Course Date: July 24 - August 13, 2011
Online Application Form, Deadline: March 14, 2011

Costs of attending the course, including travel, housing, and meals at MBL, are fully supported by The Ellison Medical Foundation.

A three-week lecture and laboratory course featuring the newest and most exciting ideas in aging research, with emphasis on molecular approaches. A distinguished faculty will interact with approximately 20 students via lecture, discussion, hands-on experiments, and analysis of data. Lecture topics encompass model systems (yeast, Drosophila and C. elegans); mitochondrial defects and oxidative stress, DNA mutations and repair; telomeres and cellular senescence; mammalian aging; and evolutionary considerations. Laboratory exercises will examine aging in the models systems?C. elegans and laboratory mice; DNA changes in old versus young animals including mitochondrial, ribosomal, and other DNA species; mammalian aging in old versus young mice and in various mutant strains.

2010 Faculty and Lecturers:
Judd Aiken, University of Alberta
Andrzej Bartke, Southern Illinois University
Nir Barzilai, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
George Church, Harvard University
Anna Csiszar, University of Oklahoma Health Science Center
Lenny Guarente, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Matt Kaeberlein, University of Washington
Pankaj Kapahi, Buck Institute for Age Research
Brian Kennedy, University of Washington
Matthew Meselson, Harvard University
Richard Morimoto, Northwestern University
Coleen Murphy, Princeton University
Arlan Richardson, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
David Shore, Harvard Medical School
David Sinclair, Harvard Medical School
Zoltan Ungvari, University of Oklahoma Health Science Center
Woodring Wright, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

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