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MRC» Outreach Program» Interns

Program Description:
As part of its outreach and education role, the Marine Resources Center (MRC) of the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) has established an internship program with positions available to college students and recent college graduates. This is a one-semester program that can take place during the spring, summer, or fall semester of college. The program has recently expanded to accommodate recent college graduates looking for a one-semester, six- month, or one-year program prior to graduate school. Interns will gain hands-on experience in aquatic animal care, husbandry, and culture. Qualifying interns will learn new scientific methods and theory by participating in research being conducted by one of the MRC's scientists. For detailed descriptions of current research projects see below.

Examples of current and past research projects include: population genetic studies using RAPD-PCR and microsatellites; stock assessments using DNA fingerprinting; mating systems in zebrafish; molecular analysis of growth factors in aquatic organisms; analysis and quantification of cephalopod behavior; and exploring microscopic anatomy of various organ systems in molluscs and other invertebrates.

To qualify for this internship program, a completed application (link above) must be submitted and a personal interview is required. The application deadline for summer internships is February 1st; all applications will be reviewed jointly at that time. Generally, interviews for summer positions are conducted during spring break in March/April and letters of commitment are provided to successful candidates shortly thereafter. The summer session typically starts on the first Monday in June and ends just prior to Labor Day. Application deadlines for the other semesters are rolling, with suggested dates of June 1st for the fall program and September 1st for the Winter/Spring program.

Interns must provide their own housing and transportation while participating in the program. There is no monetary compensation for participants in this program; however, many interns find part-time jobs in the area. The MRC will cooperate fully with colleges and universities to obtain course credit for each student if desired.

Interns are expected to participate in the program for 40 hours per week or as noted in individual project descriptions. Daily duties include preparing animals' diets, feeding animals, maintaining water quality in aquaria and holding tanks, recording animal health and water quality data in logbooks, and routine cleaning and upkeep of equipment and husbandry areas. Opportunities exist for interns to observe and/or participate in laboratory procedures and animal necropsies, and to learn about the mechanical aspects of large and small water filtration and sterilization systems.

Detailed descriptions of current research projects.
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Interns in the MRC Program may:

1) Assist culturing live food sources

Brine shrimp culture:

  • Learn methodology for mixing artificial sea salts
  • Learn production scheduling for cultured species
  • Investigate methods to enhance nutritional value of nauplii

Algae culture:

  • Use sterile technique to inoculate cultures
  • Learn to quantify and maintain live cultures of microalgae

2) Learn to perform basic water quality tests and manipulate various parameters required to keep aquatic species healthy

  • Assist collecting water-quality data to evaluate the health of both marine and freshwater biofilters and systems

3) Learn to operate seawater filtration systems

  • Calculate ozone dosages for seawater sterilization
  • Operate and maintain rapid-rate sandfilters

4) Maintenance of tanks and specimen holding environs

  • Learn proper cleaning techniques for tanks and aquaria
  • Learn disinfection methods
  • Quarantine sick and/or diseased animals

5) Assist MBL investigators and veterinary staff with  
    treatment protocols and necropsy

  • Learn dissection techniques
  • Learn to administer medications

6) Help MBL investigators collect and collate
    experimental data

  • Conduct video analysis of animal behavioral experiments
  • Assist researchers with field and laboratory sampling to assess shellfish growth and health

Housing and Transportation:


Barbara Burbank, Program Administrator
Janice Simmons, Internship Coordinator

An intern assists in the culturing of live food sources.

Interns will help MBL investigators collect and collate experimental data.

Interns learn to perform basic water quality tests and manipulate various parameters required to keep aquatic species healthy.

08 interns
The summer internship is highly competitive, with applications representing colleges across the county as well as foreign institutions.
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