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Technical barriers to trade

Technical regulations and product standards may vary from country to country. Having many different regulations and standards makes life difficult for producers and exporters. If regulations are set arbitrarily, they could be used as an excuse for protectionism.

The Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade tries to ensure that regulations, standards, testing and certification procedures do not create unnecessary obstacles.

> TBT Information Management System: a database of WTO information on TBT
(Notifications, concerns raised, other documents, enquiry points, etc)

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See also:
> Technical assistance related to Technical Barriers to Trade

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News  back to top


Introduction  back to top

What are Technical Barriers to Trade?
This link leads to the guide to the WTO “Understanding the WTO”

Understanding the TBT Agreement — a more technical explanation


The mandate  back to top

Browse or download the text of the TBT Agreement from the legal texts gateway

Find decisions of WTO bodies concerning the TBT Agreement in the Analytical Index — Guide to WTO Law and Practice

Find technical assistance activities related to the Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement



List of disputes citing the TBT agreement





> An Advanced Course on TBT took place in Geneva from 14-25 June 2010


The Sixth Special Meeting on Procedures for Information Exchange took place on 22 June 2010

2009 workshop on the role of international standards in economic development

2009 Technical Assistance Activities of the Secretariat





> Buy the WTO Agreements series: TBT from the Online Bookshop

> WTO Agreements and Public Health — A joint study by WHO and the WTO Secretariat



TBT official documents  back to top

Work on technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures in the WTO is handled by the TBT Committee, which reports to the Council for Trade in Goods. Discussions are officially recorded in summary reports (minutes) of the Committee’s meetings and in its annual reviews.

> Search here for TBT documents

National enquiry points by country in alphabetical order

Alternatively go to the TBT Information Management System, which offers a wide range of search criteria.

Subscribe here to receive TBT documents by e-mail, usually once a week. The notifications are sent only in the original language (English, French or Spanish)


Latest events on TBT  back to top

  • Workshop on the Role of International Standards in Economic Development (Geneva, 16-17 March 2009)
    Standards development contributes to improving efficiency of production. As well, the use of international standards and conformity assessment systems facilitates the conduct of international trade. Since early days, the Committee has explored ways and means of enhancing Members' awareness of, and participation in, the work of international standardizing bodies, thereby improving the implementation of the TBT Agreement. To build on this work the Committee decided, at its meeting of 5-6 November 2008, to organize a workshop on the Role of International Standards in Economic Development.
    > Opening speech by the Deputy Director-General Mr. Singh
    > Programme
    > Summary Report
    > News item

  • First Specialized Course on the TBT Agreement
    (Geneva, 27 October - 7 November 2008)
    The purpose of this Specialized Course was to give officials working on TBT issues in capitals an opportunity to broaden their knowledge of the TBT Agreement and improve their understanding of TBT-related trade issues. Twenty-five officials from developing countries and economies in transition that are Members (or Governments in accession process) have participated in the Course. The Course comprised a series of sessions and practical exercises related to the provisions of the Agreement and their implementation. The Course also provided opportunity for participants to attend and observe the 5-6 November regular meeting of the TBT Committee.
    > Programme
    > News item

> Previous events


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