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Photo galleries

The WTO's photo galleries gather together a selection of photos taken in recent years. Collectively, they give a flavour of both the day-to-day activities of the WTO and some of the major WTO events/meetings that have taken place in Geneva and elsewhere. High-resolution versions of some of these photos may be found in the Media Newsroom.



Visitors and general photos


 Ministerial talks in Geneva  

July 2008
July 2006


 Ministerial conferences  

Hong Kong: December 2005
Geneva: December 2009 — Selected photos   All photos


 Public Forum  
September 2010
September 2009
September 2008
October 2007
September 2006



International Women’s Day: 8 March 2011
WTO Open Day: September 2010
WTO Open Day: September 2009
Aid For Trade Second Global Review: July 2009
Ukraine joins the WTO: February 2008
Aid for Trade Global Review: November 2007
WTO works of art
Other events/meetings

> See WTO photos on Flickr

contact us : World Trade Organization, rue de Lausanne 154, CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland