
Poll: Romney still ahead, but vulnerable


  • Poll: Romney still ahead, but vulnerable

    Poll: Romney still ahead, but vulnerable

    /rf/image_296w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2011/07/15/National-Politics/Images/2011-07-15T003705Z_01_BKS11_RTRIDSP_3_USA-CAMPAIGN-ROMNEY.jpg 296 217
  • GOP, Obama blamed for debt impasse

    GOP, Obama blamed for debt impasse

    /rf/image_296w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2011/07/19/Web-Resampled/2011-07-19/118825557--296x201.jpg 296 200
  • Obama tops GOP on helping middle class

    Obama tops GOP on helping middle class

    /rf/image_296w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2011/07/15/National-Politics/Images/504487339.jpg 296 211
  • Obama’s Afghan plan ‘about right’

    Obama’s Afghan plan ‘about right’

    /rf/image_296w/WashingtonPost/Content/Production/Blogs/checkpoint-washington/Images/Obama_Afghanistan_0708a.jpg 296 189
  • New divisions in a changing Washington

    New divisions in a changing Washington

    /rf/image_296w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2011/06/20/Interactivity/Images/ph-census.jpg 296 231

After bin Laden: Obama in the polls

An approval lift for Obama, but a long way to go in the war on terror

President Obama’s approval rating has gotten a bump after the killing of Osama bin Laden. There is widespread public relief and pride in the success of the operation, but few see bin Laden’s death as meaning the end of terrorism. Two-thirds worry that al-Qaeda will try to retaliate, but most are confident in the government’s ability to prevent such attacks.

PostPolls on Twitter


50% of Dems say Obama "too willing to compromise" with Reps on deficit -- little diff btw liberal Dems and mod/con Dems http://t.co/RIYm3Nx


Post-ABC poll-Gov. Rick Perry fares worse than Romney v. Obama; lacks strong natural constituency RE:2012 prez campaign http://www.washin...


Among "strong" tea party supporters Bachmann is at 23%; she's at 8% among other Republicans http://t.co/0h04TCX

More Tweets


RT @2chambers: Boehner says he's 'not really interested in a short-term increase of the debt limit.'


#Boehner: "Dealing with the White House is like dealing with a bowl of Jell-O." #debt


#Boehner: "Never once did the president come to the table with a plan." #debt

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Goodbye Orlando & #campaign2012... What's next?


Pawlenty Not 'Ashamed' Now http://t.co/A7j3CjW #campaign2012 #p2 #dems


Let the $4 Billion Rumpus Begin! (Gang of Three Edition). A trifecta in the #Campaign2012 adstravaganza. http://t.co/Wl1AFOv

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Boehner explains decision to end debt talks

Video: Boehner explains decision to end debt talks

Speaker John Boehner held a press conference answering President Obama's criticism of his decision to withdraw from bipartisan talks on reducing the deficit.
Obama: 'I was willing to take a lot of heat'

Obama: 'I was willing to take a lot of heat'

President Obama announced Friday that House Speaker John Boehner called off deficit reduction talks despite having a fair deal on the table.
Dueling debt plans: Sen. Reid vs. House GOP

Dueling debt plans: Sen. Reid vs. House GOP

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) moved to kill the GOP's 'cut, cap and balance' plan, but top House Republicans said it's time for Reid to show his own plan. (July 22)
Obama talks how challenging debt negotiations are

Obama talks how challenging debt negotiations are

During a town hall Friday at the University of Maryland, President Obama said debt negotiations are challenging but he's willing to compromise.
Even more problems for John Edwards

Even more problems for John Edwards

John Edwards is being accused of campaign fraud and now the government wants him to pay back millions in matching funds. (July 22)
Anger over potential debt deal

Anger over potential debt deal

President Obama and Congress are still in talks to keep the U.S. from defaulting on its debt, though a report that a potential deal had been made was met with ire. (July 22)
Panetta set to certify end of 'don't ask, don't tell'

Panetta set to certify end of 'don't ask, don't tell'

Some 17 years after it was put in place, AP sources say Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is set to announce he's certifying ending the military's ban on openly gay service. (July 22)
Grover Norquist's effect on the debt ceiling

Grover Norquist's effect on the debt ceiling

Grover Norquist, the President of Americans for Tax Reform, wields a great deal of power in the debt ceiling debates. Despite not being a congressman, Norquist and his conservative tax pledge have had a huge influence on republican actions in the fight.
First lady teams up with national grocers

First lady teams up with national grocers

First lady Michelle Obama announced on Wednesday a campaign with Wal-Mart, Walgreens and SuperValu to bring fresh fruits and vegetables to impoverished areas with little to no access to healthy foods. (July 20)
Debt debate threatens Maryland, Virginia economies

Debt debate threatens Maryland, Virginia economies

The Washington Post's Anqoinette Crosby sits down with reporter Zachary Goldfarb to discuss the debt ceiling and what no deal may mean for Maryland and Virginia.
Pelosi, Boehner square off on debt ceiling

Pelosi, Boehner square off on debt ceiling

Both House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and House Majority Leader John Boehner spoke about ongoing efforts to reach a deal on the debt ceiling before an Aug. 2 deadline. (July 21)
Obama shifts position on short-term debt deal

Obama shifts position on short-term debt deal

With twelve days until the Aug. 2 deadline, President Obama is shifting his position on signing a short-term revenue deal. (July 21)
Obama: We're moving in right direction

Obama: We're moving in right direction

President Obama said lawmakers are moving in the right direction to raise the debt ceiling. (July 20)

Editor's Choice

Partisan clash over state voting laws

Partisan clash over state voting laws

In one example, New Hampshire House Republicans are pushing for new laws that would prohibit many college students from voting in the state.

Tea party 2012 poll favors Ga.'s Cain, Texas' Paul

Tea party 2012 poll favors Ga.'s Cain, Texas' Paul

Tea party supporters favor conservative Texas Rep. Ron Paul and Georgia radio host Herman Cain for president in 2012.

Poll: ‘Non-college whites’ pessimistic

Poll: ‘Non-college whites’ pessimistic

The deep recession has had a profound effect on virtually every segment of the country’s population. But if there is an epicenter of financial stress and frustration, it is among whites without college degrees.