
Department of Agriculture


Table of Chapters for Department of Agriculture
Chapter Title
1500Wholesale Produce Dealers
1502Farmer-lender Mediation
1505Pest and Disease Control
1506Damage by Elk; Compensation
1508Agricultural Liming Material
1509Waste Pesticide Collection
1510Seeds, Fertilizers, Feeds
1511Grain Standards Testing
1512Soil Testing Laboratories; Agricultural Chemical Response Compensation
1513Anhydrous Ammonia
1520Poultry and Eggs
1525Dairy Industry
1530Milk, Milk Products, and Standards
1535Cheese and Cheese Products
1540Meat Inspection
1545Meat, Fish, and Poultry Industry
1547Retail Food Store Sanitation
1550Food; General Rules
1552Agricultural Development Grants
1555Organic Food
1556Minnesota Grown Labeling Statements
1558Genetically Engineered Organisms
1562Buying and Storing of Grain
1570Commodity Councils; Promotional Orders
1572Agricultural Contracts