Neat Stuff for You

Looking to expand your library? Check out what books we have found handy. Recognizing the need to combine their years of knowledge on the subject, the society founders published a book on propagating native plants. B.W. Wells described NC's natural plant communities and many of the wildflowers found in those habitats in his book, The Natural Garden of North Carolina.

As a part of our message to grow natives and avoid invasives, we created some visiting/calling cards to use at nurseries as you shop for plants for your garden. Leave cards when you can't find the species you are looking for, or when you find a species that should be avoided.

If you enjoyed our Plant Gallery, you will probably enjoy our screensaver of NC wildflowers (available for MS Windows).

Have you been searching for a way to show your support of NCNPS? How about a t-shirt?

Are you looking for places to go to see native plants up-close and personal? Or are you looking to meet other like-minded people? If you are interested in learning even more about natives and invasives, peruse the many links to other websites of interest. There are also links on other subject matters such as butterflies, space, and how to pronounce those Latin names!