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Business - Starting Smart

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Starting Smart

Need help finding the on-ramp for the road to success? Here are some excellent vehicles to help fuel your business drive:

Prime Services:

Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre: The Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre offers convenient, one-stop access to business information from various levels of government.

Your Business from Start to Finish

Companies Office: Get on-line information and forms about registering your business and corporation. 

Growing Opportunities - Community and Business Development:  Find out about the programs available for rural and northern economic development.

Workers Compensation Board: The workers compensation system is a mutual injury and disability insurance system for workers and employers, paid for by employers.  Report claims and accidents, and request clearances on-line.

Employment Manitoba Centres: Employment Manitoba addresses current and future labour market needs through parternships with community, industry and employers groups.

Employment Standards: Manitoba’s Employment Standards Branch helps employees and employers define and protect their rights and responsibilities in the workplace.

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Business Start Programs:

Manitoba Business Start Program: The Business Start Progam offers training and loan guarantees for starting a new business in Manitoba.  The links contains a program description, terms and conditions, eligibility criteria and applications.

Starting a small business in Manitoba (PDF, 611 KB): A complete guide including legal requirements for the City of Winnipeg and rural communities.

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BizCoach Manitoba: A non-profit organization that provides business mentoring services to qualifying Manitoba small businesses.

BizPaL: an online, one-stop service for entrepreneurs that simplifies the process of finding information on business permits and licences from all levels of government.  Click here to view the Flash presentation .

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