Immigrate to Manitoba, Canada. This is the official Government of Manitoba Immigration website. All information on this site, including application forms for immigration is provided free by the government.
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  • Follow these steps
    These steps explain how to prepare for and complete your application to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program.
  • Eligibility
    Read the basic requirements for applying to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program.
  • General stream
    If you are a skilled worker with a connection to Manitoba apply to immigrate under the MPNP General stream.
  • Family Support
    If you have a close relative in Manitoba you may apply to the MPNP under the Family Support priority assessment stream.
  • International Students
    If you have graduated as a visiting student in Manitoba apply to the MPNP under the International Student priority assessment stream.
  • Employer Direct
    Under the Employer Direct stream you may be eligible to apply to immigrate to Manitoba if you are currently working in Manitoba with a temporary work permit.
  • Strategic Initiatives
    The MPNP may undertake initiatives to recruit particular skilled workers and to help with the immigration of adult dependants of approved provincial nominees.
  • Businesspeople
    The MPNP for Business is for people who want to immigrate to Manitoba and open a business.
  • Dependants
    Which family members can you include in your MPNP application?
  • Application forms
    Download - free - the government forms you need to apply to immigrate to Manitoba, Canada

Frequently Asked Questions

Why were changes made to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP)?
The MPNP is a dynamic program that was developed to respond to Manitoba's changing economic needs and therefore is regularly updated and enhanced in order to remain responsive to our economy.

In addition, Manitoba continues to introduce positive changes for immigrants such as The Fair...

What changes were made to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program?
We removed from the MPNP the Occupations with Additional Requirements List so that skilled workers from all occupations with a strong connection to Manitoba are eligible to apply.

However, live-in caregivers must still apply through the specific Government of Canada...

How will the MPNP consider applicants in occupations which used to be on the now-removed Occupations with Additional Requirements List?
All applicants must demonstrate a strong connection to Manitoba through the support of relatives, previous work experience and/or education in the province in order to be eligible to apply to the MPNP.

All applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis and each applicant must...

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