Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Employer: Sloan Kettering Institute
Location: New York, USA
Posted: October 6, 2010
Expires: July 5, 2011
Requisition number:

Science jobs from Sloan Kettering Institute:
*Postdoctoral opportunity: Systems level analysis of the wound response using in-vital imaging and genomic techniques in zebrafish.*

_Starting date: February 2011 or later_

My lab is interested in the question how wounds are detected in animal tissues. I am looking for postdocs that are curious to explore basic spatio-temporal mechanisms of homeostatic/inflammatory tissue signaling in zebrafish (e.g. Niethammer et al., Nature. 2009 Jun 18;459(7249):996-9.).

Candidates must have an excellent publication record, i.e., at least one first-author publication in an international, peer-reviewed journal. Familiarity with microscopic techniques is advantageous. Researchers with biological, biophysical, chemical, or medical backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

The lab is part of the Cell Biology Program of the Sloan Kettering Institute (New York City, USA), a very collaborative and vibrant research environment. Rockefeller University and Cornell Medical School across the street provide rich opportunities for additional scientific interaction.

Application documents must include a CV, a publication list, reprints of first-author publications, a short description of research experience/interests, and 2-3 reference letters from previous advisors.

For more information, please contact me or visit the lab website

Don't forget to mention NatureJobs when applying.

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