
TAHC regulations are made and adopted by 13 governor-appointed commissioners who represent the general public and various livestock industries and professions. The commissioners serve staggered six-year terms and meet as needed to study the regulatory needs of the agency, review public comments on proposed regulation changes, and adopt new rules when necessary.

Current Commissioners
CommissionerIndustry RepresentedTerm Expires
Ernie Morales, Chairman Feedlot Industry 6 September 2011
Randy C. Brown General Public 6 September 2013
Reta K. Dyess Dairy 6 September 2011
William Edmiston, Jr., D.V.M. Sheep and Goat 6 September 2013
Ken Jordan Livestock Market 6 September 2013
Thomas "Tommy" Kezar General Public 6 September 2011
Coleman Hudgins Locke Beef Cattle 6 September 2015
Charles "Chuck" Real Swine 6 September 2013
Ralph Simmons Poultry 6 September 2015
Mike Vickers, D.V.M. Veterinary Profession 6 September 2011
Mark A. Wheelis Equine 6 September 2013
Beau White General Public 6 September 2015
R. W. "Dick" Winters, Jr. Exotic Livestock/Fowl 6 September 2013