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Island writer nominated as Poet Laureate

GALVESTON — Jim Boone has garnered a nomination as U.S. Poet Laureate. He does not expect to be awarded the title, but he’ll gladly take the role of a footnote.


Take the deal on the tree
Trees of Houston has given the council an extraordinary opportunity.
January 18, 2012

Tell us about our unsung heroes
Today is the deadline for nominating someone for the Unsung Heroes Awards.
January 18, 2012

Legg's abstention was wise
Rusty Legg’s decision to abstain from voting on a resolution that calls for a suspension on tax credits for low-income housing development was right.
January 17, 2012

MLK Jr.: A great man in his words
Martin Luther King Jr.'s message is as timely today as it was when he died in 1968.
January 16, 2012

Welcome, Gulf of Mexico Foundation
The Gulf of Mexico Foundation is moving its headquarters to Galveston.
January 15, 2012

Hiccup or major blunder?
The La Marque school board, after getting a $31,000 bill from its attorneys, had a disagreement over how big a deal that was.
January 14, 2012

Old hall gets a new lease
The city of La Marque ought to get some points for turning a liability into an asset.
January 12, 2012

Can Legg cast a vote?
Will a conflict of interest keep Galveston City Councilman Rusty Legg from voting on a housing resolution Thursday?
January 11, 2012

This week’s wow factor
Texas City’s plans to overhaul the Nessler Pool are spectacular.
January 10, 2012

The myth about job scarcity
Heber Taylor says it's the lack of house opportunities, not a lack of jobs, that's changing Galveston.
January 09, 2012

What do you do with the money?
Now that some public officials are looking at spending 4B tax money, there are interesting questions to be answered.
January 07, 2012

Animal shelter, owner deserve second chance
The story about Whiskerville is tragic, but the private, no-kill animal shelter and its owner, Wydell Dixon, deserve a second chance.
January 06, 2012

A chance to talk about scattered housing plans
The public has a chance to comment Feb. 6 on the Galveston Housing Authority’s plans to build houses and duplexes on scattered sites.
January 05, 2012

Notice on policy shift could have been better
Who should pay to repave Seawall Boulevard? The city, which controls traffic on the roadway? Or the county, which owns the seawall itself?
January 04, 2012

A summit is needed early in 2012
Several people representing several different interests in Galveston have quietly suggested the same thing: It’s time for a summit.
January 03, 2012

A look at the Texas Public Information Act
It’s something of a New Year’s tradition for us to outline the Texas Public Information Act.
January 02, 2012

First step toward a big deal
A short-line railroad company and the Port of Galveston took a first step last week toward developing a $600 million bulk cargo terminal.
January 01, 2012

Go green with your tree
Turn your Christmas tree into mulch to provide benefits year-round to Galveston County residents.
December 31, 2011

Celebrate responsibly
It’s the end of the year, a time to remember the good and the bad 2011 brought and look forward to what’s to come.
December 30, 2011

What's needed is a graceful resignation
Jason Murray should resign as district clerk.
December 29, 2011

Don’t be duped by the few
We understand you have a vital role in the looking over the county’s redistricting plans.
December 28, 2011

A plan to protect the Gulf of Mexico
Something good came from the Deepwater Horizon disaster.
December 27, 2011

How do you say no to the Little League?
How can you vote against accepting a $41,000 donation from the League City Little League?
December 26, 2011

Have you noticed change in language?
Today, the political discourse is not about security, social or otherwise, but about “entitlement."
December 26, 2011

Tell us about some of the things you love
Wednesday is the deadline for submitting suggestions for our annual list of 101 things to love about Galveston County. We’ll publish it Jan. 8.
December 26, 2011

Letters to
the Editor

January 18
January 17
January 16
January 15
January 14
January 13
January 11
January 10
January 9
January 8

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