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J. Charles Fox Named Senior Advisor on Chesapeake Bay and Anacostia River



Annapolis, Md. (March 12, 2009) - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson has named J. Charles Fox as Senior Advisor on the Chesapeake Bay and Anacostia River.

Fox has an extensive and distinguished career as a champion for the environment, including serving as Assistant Administrator for Water at EPA during President Clinton’s administration and as Secretary of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources for former Governor Parris Glendening. He most recently served as a senior officer for The Pew Charitable Trusts, managing its international marine conservation programs.

Fox’s appointment is another signal that the EPA is renewing and deepening its mission to protect America’s environment under President Obama. The decision by Administrator Jackson to name Fox as a senior advisor continues the EPA’s long-standing commitment to restoring the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries such as the Anacostia River.

“I look forward to working closely with Chesapeake Bay Program Director Jeff Lape and the talented and hard-working staff in Annapolis and EPA’s regional office in Philadelphia, who share my deep dedication to the Chesapeake Bay,” Fox said. “I also value the opportunity to work collaboratively with the Chesapeake Bay Program’s many federal and state partners to make great progress in restoring our nation’s largest estuary.”

The Chesapeake Bay Program is a unique regional partnership that has coordinated and conducted the restoration of the Chesapeake Bay since 1983. Partners include the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, representing the federal government; the U.S. Department of Agriculture; the states of Delaware, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia; the District of Columbia; the Chesapeake Bay Commission, a tristate legislative body; and advisory groups of citizens, scientists and local government officials.

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Last modified: 03/12/2009
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