New York Metropolitan Flora Project

In 1990 the Garden embarked on the New York Metropolitan Flora project (NYMF), a multi-year effort to document the flora in all counties within a 50-mile radius of New York City, including all of Long Island, southeastern New York State, northern New Jersey and Fairfield County, Connecticut.

Understanding the urban landscape is critical in our rapidly urbanizing world. Findings of BBG's Metropolitan Flora Project serve as vital references for those involved in environmental efforts, from preserving rare plants, to planning parks and greenways, to repairing degraded habitats, to designing home gardens in which native plant communities are preserved or restored.

In April 2010, NYMF announced findings that some plants native to the NYC area have become locally extinct as new flora has moved in. To read more about the 20-year study’s findings, visit the pressroom.

The metropolitan plant encyclopedia consists of a series of comprehensive pages on the plants of the New York metropolitan region. For each family, genus, and species in the area there are one or more pages with photos, distribution maps, descriptions, ecological information, references and much more. Horticultural information will be added in the months ahead. At this time BBG scientists are concentrating on woody plants. The encyclopedia includes pages for all woody species in the area.

Table of Contents

Contents listed by family and genus

How to Use the Encyclopedia

A guide to the contents of the encyclopedia


Definitions of terms used in the encyclopedia

New York Woody Plants

BBG scientists have compiled a list of woody plant species in the New York Metropolitan region.

To view and search the list, visit the map of woody plant species by county.

Interactive Keys to the Woody Plants of New York State and the New York Metropolitan Area

New York Metro Area

  • PC Version
    NOTE: This botanical key will only work on Internet Explorer. It also uses JavaScript and HTML frames.

How to Use SLIKS, by Gerald F. Guala (© 2004-06)

(Modified from:

To begin...

Click on the file SLIKSFINAL.html (or SLIKSPDA.html) to start.

The buttons at the top...

"Matching Taxa" pares down the list at the right to only those taxa that have the states that you have indicated by checking the boxes in the set of characters at the left.

"Applicable Chars" is used after you have used the key at least once. It pares down the list of characters at the left to only those characters that differ among the remaining taxa listed at the right.

"Restart" restarts the identification process and clears the memory.

"About" is self-explanatory.

"Help" is self-explanatory

On the left...

Clicking on the character takes you to a file that explains and illustrates the character.

On the right...

Clicking on the "D" button in front of any taxon at the right gives you the entire list of characters with their states for that taxon.

Clicking on the taxon name itself sends you to the web page or image that is indicated in the character matrix for that taxon. Some keys have added icons for multiple data sources.

<em>Vernonia noveboracensis,</em> common name New York Ironweed. Photo by Uli Lorimer.
Vernonia noveboracensis, common name New York Ironweed. Photo by Uli Lorimer.
<em>Chelone lyonii.</em> Photo by Uli Lorimer.
Chelone lyonii. Photo by Uli Lorimer.
<em>Apios americana.</em> Photo by Uli Lorimer.
Apios americana. Photo by Uli Lorimer.
<em>Dodecatheon amethystinum.</em> Photo by Uli Lorimer.
Dodecatheon amethystinum. Photo by Uli Lorimer.

Past and present major funding for the New York Metropolitan Flora project is provided by the Andrew Mellon Foundation, Eppley Foundation, Hudson River Watershed Foundation, New York Biodiversity Research Institute.

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