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Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Awards Bestowed Upon Regional Businesses

2007 Businesses for the Bay award winners
The 2007 Businesses for the Bay award winners.



Annapolis, Md. (November 8, 2007) – The Chesapeake Bay Program's Businesses for the Bay initiative today presented 10 regional businesses with the esteemed Environmental Excellence Award and one individual Mentor of the Year for their efforts in reducing nutrient and chemical pollution in the Bay and its tributaries.

Businesses for the Bay Environmental Excellence Award recipients were selected by their peers and honored for their successful efforts to implement pollution prevention projects. Pollution prevention – reducing pollutants through equipment, technology and procedure modifications, or the redesigning of products – benefits businesses by helping improve their bottom line and helping improve the quality of their local environment.

Mentor of the Year awards are granted to existing Businesses for the Bay members who go above and beyond to provide voluntary assistance and experienced insight to others on pollution prevention subjects and related environmental issues.

“This year's awardees are to be commended for their voluntary efforts to help clean up the Chesapeake Bay ,” said Businesses for the Bay Coordinator Mary Lynn Wilhere. “Their actions speak volumes as to what the business and industrial community can do. Without the active involvement of groups like these, restoration of the Bay would be much more difficult.”

Winners of the Businesses for the Bay Environmental Excellence Awards are:

Virginia Regional Environmental Management System (V-REMS) Partnership
Partner of the Year

Ms. Kristel Riddervold, City of Charlottesville, Va.
Mentor of the Year

Anheuser-Busch, Inc. - Williamsburg, Va.
Outstanding Achievement for Pollution Prevention, Large Facility 

City of Charlottesville, Va.
Outstanding Achievement for Pollution Prevention, Local Government

Corporate Office Properties Trust - Columbia, Md.
Outstanding Achievement for Pollution Prevention, Medium Facility 

eCity Corporation- Ellicott City, Md.
Outstanding Achievement for Pollution Prevention, Small Facility 

Isle of Wight Family & Cosmetic Dentistry - Smithfield, Va.
Outstanding Achievement for Pollution Prevention, Small Facility

Norfolk Naval Shipyard - Portsmouth, Va.
Outstanding Achievement for Pollution Prevention, Federal Facility

Smithfield Packing Company - Landover, Md.
Outstanding Achievement for Pollution Prevention, Large Facility

University of Virginia- Charlottesville, Va.
Outstanding Achievement for Pollution Prevention, State Government

York County School Division - Yorktown, Va.
Outstanding Achievement for Pollution Prevention, Local Government

More than 900 companies and local municipalities throughout the Bay watershed are members of Businesses for the Bay (B4B). The program works with businesses, government facilities and other organizations to prevent pollution by reducing or eliminating waste at its source. During the 2006-2007 year, B4B members reduced or recycled more than 512 million pounds of waste and saved more than $7.2 million.

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Last modified: 02/20/2008
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