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Local Governments Recognized for Efforts to Protect Local Waters and Chesapeake Bay

Annapolis, Md. (January 26, 2006) - Federal and state Bay restoration leaders recognized sixteen local governments today for their dedication to protecting and restoring local waters and the Chesapeake Bay. Municipalities selected for integrating Bay-friendly measures into the management of their towns, cities and counties include:

Gold Partners – Plymouth Township, Pa.; College Township, Pa.; Lancaster, Pa.; South Middleton Township, Pa.; Montgomery County, Md.; Rockville, Md.; Carroll County, Md.; Greenbelt, Md.; Aberdeen, Md.; Prince George’s County, Md.; Alexandria, Va.; Falls Church, Va.; Clarke County, Va.; Arlington County, Va.

Silver Partners – Chester County, Pa.; Borough of Lewisburg, Pa.; Hampstead, Md.

Communities are evaluated on their completion of a set of programs, activities or benchmarks that protect and restore their part of the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Selection is based on the municipality's population and the percentage of benchmarks met in four categories: improving water quality, promoting sound land use, protecting and restoring living resources and habitat, and engaging the community.

Currently, 73 local governments are Bay Partner Communities.

The Bay Partner Community Awards are sponsored by the Chesapeake Bay Program and its Local Government Advisory Committee. The Committee was created in 1988 in recognition of the critical role that the more than 1,650 local governments in the watershed play in the partnership's ability to achieve its goals. The Local Government Advisory Committee is coordinated by the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay.

Since 1997, the Bay Partner Community program has recognized local governments in the Chesapeake Bay watershed for their commitment to protecting and restoring the Bay and its rivers. For more information about Chesapeake Bay Partner Communities, visit the website Bay LOGIN at www.baylogin.org. Information on the most innovative programs and practices are highlighted on the site under “Local Government Innovations.”

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Last modified: 02/20/2008
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