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New Research Vessel Will Enhance Monitoring of Bay Conditions

U.S. Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) measures the water line on Bernie Fowler's denim overalls. Fowler saw his white sneakers through 26 inches of water at his 21st annual wade-in.
The Rachel Carson is named in honor of the world-renowned marine biologist, nature writer and Maryland resident who is best known for her book Silent Spring.

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November 2008 --The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) has introduced the Research Vessel Rachel Carson, a new state-of-the-art research platform that will become the flagship of the university’s Chesapeake Bay research fleet.

The 81-foot, $4.6 million R/V Rachel Carson will expand scientists’ abilities to monitor Bay conditions. Designed specifically for the needs of Chesapeake Bay scientists, Rachel Carson is large enough to transport research teams along the Bay’s 184-mile length, yet shallow enough to allow scientists access to small Bay tributaries.

“Understanding how the Chesapeake Bay functions and monitoring its health are critical to accelerating the restoration of our State’s greatest resource,” said UMCES President Donald Boesch. “The more we understand about the intricate workings of this complex ecosystem, the better management advice our scientists can provide policymakers guiding the Bay cleanup effort.”

Other features of R/V Rachel Carson include:

  • A state-of-the-art dynamic positioning system that allows the vessel to “hover” motionless over one spot regardless of wind and current.
  • A trio of powerful winches that allows scientists to launch and retrieve multiple buoys and sampling devices over the side or stern.
  • Built-in electronic sensors that will continuously measure the Bay’s water quality, biology and currents whether underway or on station.

The Rachel Carson is named in honor of the world-renowned marine biologist, nature writer and Maryland resident who is best known for her book Silent Spring.

In spring 2009, R/V Rachel Carson will replace the aging R/V Aquarius, which has been in service since 1972.

For more information about R/V Rachel Carson, visit the UMCES website.

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Last modified: 11/17/2008
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