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Annapolis Bans Use of Lawn Fertilizer Containing Phosphorus

January 2009 -- To help reduce pollution flowing to the Chesapeake Bay, the city of Annapolis, Md., has banned the use and sale of residential lawn fertilizers containing phosphorus.

The new fertilizer law is intended to reduce the amount of phosphorus -- an algae-forming nutrient -- that enters area waters. Nutrients are the main cause of the Bay’s poor health, and residential fertilizer use is a notable source of phosphorus loads to the Bay and its rivers.

According to the city of Annapolis, the new law applies to all land located in the city limits and all land owned by the city. City businesses will not be allowed to stock phosphorus-containing lawn fertilizers on their shelves beginning January 1, 2010.

Annapolis is believed to be the first jurisdiction in the Bay watershed to limit the use and sale of residential lawn fertilizer to help restore the Bay. Several states and municipalities in the Great Lakes region have banned phosphorus in lawn fertilizer to help limit pollution to their local waters.

Residents throughout the Bay region are encouraged to reduce or eliminate their use of lawn fertilizers to help clean up the Bay and its rivers. (Learn more about how you can help the Bay by reducing or eliminating lawn fertilizer use.)

Visit the city of Annapolis’ website for more information about the new phosphorus-free lawn fertilizer law.

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Last modified: 01/07/2009
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