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International Legume Database & Information Service


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Latest version of database available on CD
Latest version of database available on LegumeWeb

Latest version of database available on mini-CD and for download

In addition to being available on the Web as LegumeWeb, the latest version of the ILDIS database (version 10) is now available, together with an innovative new program for browsing and searching the database on a Windows PC.

The ILDIS Explorer software version 1.00, complete with the ILDIS database version 10, is available on a mini-CD, which can be read in nearly all CD drives except some slot-loading drives. The identical system is also available for download, which you can run from a hard drive or copy to a CD. It requires no special installation.

More details

Latest Version of Database available on LegumeWeb

LegumeWeb is a service giving access via the www to the ILDIS World Database of Legumes. LegumeWeb is updated periodically to reflect additions to the World Database and changes in Legume taxonomy.

The current version is 10 (November 2005).

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Copyright © 2007 by ILDIS (International Legume Database & Information Service). All rights reserved. Web page created by Richard White on a server at Cardiff School of Computer Science.