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Aquatic Invasive Species Program

Aquatic invasive species (AIS) are known by many names—nuisance species, exotic species, non-indigenous species, or just pests. These plants and animals, like purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) and the European green crab (Carcinus maenas) have forever changed the ecology and economy of Massachusetts. To address these threats, a variety of state and federal agencies and nonprofit organizations have formed the Massachusetts AIS Working Group. With leadership from the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM), this group works to prevent new introductions and manage the impact of AIS already established in the Commonwealth.

To achieve this goal, the AIS Working Group published the Massachusetts AIS Management Plan in 2002 and is focusing on:

  • Prevention & Education - The most effective approach to managing AIS is to prevent introductions in the first place, and Massachusetts is involved with several prevention and education efforts to preempt arrivals.
  • Early Detection, Monitoring, & Species Identification - Early detection and citizen monitoring efforts increase the possibility of successful management.
  • Rapid Response - If an AIS is perceived to be an ecological or economic threat, a rapid response is critical for a successful eradication.
  • Control - When a species cannot be eradicated, continued control efforts are necessary to minimize ecological and economic impacts.

This web site also provides background information on AIS, more on project partners, and links to important resources for species identification, research, and management. If you are interested in getting involved or have any questions about AIS please contact us.

If you think you have identified a NEW Aquatic Invasive Species, take a picture and report it.


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AIS Quick Links:

Mitten/Dungeness Crab Alert

Identification Cards

Volunteer Monitoring

Invader Tracking

Response to New AIS

Management Plan

What you can do

251 Causeway Street, Suite 800Boston, MA 02114
617-626-1200617-626-1240 (fax)
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