Internet Resources for IPM Curriculum


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There are many great resources available to teachers and schools to learn more about pests, pesticides and IPM. There are also many curricular resources that can be used to supplement IPM activities in the classroom.

For relevant links, choose a section from the following:

IPM in Schools Resources

The National School IPM website
Sponsored by EPA and maintained by the University of Florida, this is the number one resource site for school IPM.

Pest Control in the School Environment: Adopting Integrated Pest Management
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Pesticide Programs, 1993. (EPA 735-F-93-012)
-Provides a simple overview to IPM in schools In html:
To order: phone: 1-800-490-9198, or order online at:

IPM for Schools: A How-to Manual
Daar, S., Drilk, T., Olkowski, H. & Olkowski, W. 1997. The United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9.
-A comprehensive resource that outlines in detail all the steps to creating an IPM Program in your school, and has specific sections on the management of key school pests such as ants, cockroaches, and yellowjackets. In pdf:

IPM Technical Resource Center for IPM in Schools and Daycare Centers
-Funded by EPA, region 5, this center provides information, assistance and links for IPM in schools in EPA, Region 5 (Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio and Michigan)

The National Directory for School IPM
-Maintained by EPA region 5, this site lists activities relevant to school IPM on a state-by-state basis, along with contact information for each state.

IPM Institute of North America, Inc. website
-A site maintained by this non-profit group, containing many links and other information related to IPM in schools and agriculture.

Wisconsin’s School Integrated Pest Management Manual
Stier, J., Delahaut, K., Pellitteri, P. & Becker, B. 2000. UW-Extension.
-Outlines the steps for implementing IPM in schools and on school grounds, and includes forms and tips on controlling the most common pests. In html:


Classroom Resources

Pennsylvania State University School IPM Education Resources
-The premier clearinghouse for IPM curricular resources, this website includes a comprehensive searchable database on teaching resources related to IPM as well as lessons and links.

Join our Pest Patrol
Minnesota Department of Agriculture, 2000.
-Excellent resource and activity sheets on IPM targeted to upper Elementary students (activity sheets and teacher information in pdf format.)
or call: 651-297-3217

The Insectiganza of Excitement
4-H Cooperative Curriculum System, 1997.
-A 4-booklet set of entomology activities. Purchase the entire set or individual books based on grade level. (for fee only) Available from the University of Minnesota Extension Service
To order, call: (800) 876-8636 or order online:

University of Florida’s Best of the Bugs Website
-This site provides links to websites judged by entomologists at the University of Florida to be the best that the web has to offer on insects. Excellent sites for teachers and kids.

Purple Loosestrife Project K-12 Educational Materials
Purple Loosestrife Project, Michigan State University -Comprehensive and creative lesson plans and resources for K-12. Project focusses on Purple Loosestrife as an invasive species and biological control methods to control it. Classroom tested and aligned with Michigan Curriculum Benchmarks.

Florida 4-H Bug Club
-An excellent website for kids from the University of Florida. The site provides lesson plans, games, and a lot of information for kids about insects.

Using Live Insects in Elementary Classrooms
Center for Insect Education Outreach, University of Arizona, 1997. -K-6 curriculum which includes 20 lesson plans that utilize insects to teach all kinds of concepts to young learners. Includes activity sheets, fact sheets, and rearing sheets on the insects used. (free on website)

Katerpillars (& Mystery Bugs) Website
University of Kentucky Entomology Department
-This site is fun and educational for younger kids. It includes activities and links to teaching resources, including lesson plans for field and classroom experiments.

The Quest for Less-Activities and Resources for
Teaching K-6

United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste, 2000.
-An excellent complete resource guide on natural resources, waste management, recycling, composting, source reduction and landfills. The Quest for Less provides hands-on lessons and activities, enrichment ideas, journal writing assignments and other educational tools and skills relating to reusing, reducing and recycling waste. (free government publication) In pdf:
To order: Call: 1-800-490-9198, or online at:

Yucky Roach World Website
Discovery Communications
- A great kid-friendly site about roaches. Includes IPM techniques to keep them away.

The K-8 Aeronautics Internet Textbook
Cislunar Aerospace, Inc., 1997.
-K-8 activities and lessons on aeronautics. The insect section of the lesson plans contains many creative lessons for Elementary and Middle school students on insect flight. Developed by Cislunar Aerospace, Inc. in cooperation with University of California, Davis with funding from NASA.

EPA Student/Teacher Websites
-The main EPA site for teacher resources, student assistance and kids education. Provides links to lessons, activities and resources from all the divisions in EPA.

EPA Office of Pesticide Programs Student Website
- Student website with links to interactive activities and information on pesticides, pesticide safety and the environment.

Pesticide Safety Bingo
The United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6.
-Lesson plans, bingo cards, and information on pesticide safety and IPM in urban areas for grades K-6.

Pests Have Enemies Too: Teaching Young Scientists About Biological Control
Jeffords, M.R. & Hodgins, A.S. 1995. Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign, IL, special publication 18.
-Excellent resource guide and lesson plans for middle school students on biological control. (for fee only) To order: call (217) 333-6880


Lesson #1 - Supplemental Worksheets

Join Our Pest Patrol-A Backyard Activity Book for Kids- An Adventure in IPM
From The Minnesota Department of Agriculture IPM Program,

1. What’s a Pest?

2. Insect Pests and Pals


Lesson #3

Internet Fun - Check out this fun site for kids about insects and insect management by USDA.
MSU Extension Bulletin E-2778
Integrated Pest Mangement in the Home (pdf)


Lesson #6 - Technology Extension

The students can use the internet to find out more infomation about specific pests. The following sites are recommended:

Dennis Kunkel Microscopy,Inc.
This site contains rap sheets on many insects. Each rap sheet has an amazing micrograph (picture) of the insect taken by an electron microscope. Very cool site for students.

Koday’s Kids
This site has pictures and facts on many insects, not just pests. Designed by the technology director at Ivy Hall School in Illinois, this site is very kid friendly.

Another electron microscopy site, this site features electron micrographs of insects and insect pests as well as other microorganisms, cells, and more. index.html


Lesson #10 - Internet Fun

Check out this fun site! It contains information and activity sheets on mammals.


Lesson #11 - Resources

USDA ’s National Biological Control Institute (NBCI) suggested free resources for students available from NBCI at:
or call NBCI at (301)436-4329.

  • Biological Control: Learning to Live With the
    Natural Order

    -A 25 minute videotape geared towards elementary, middle, and high school students.
  • Natural Enemies are Your Allies
    - A color poster with great pictures of natural enemies of insects. University of California, Davis. 1990.

Biological Control: A Guide to Natural Enemies in North America
Weeden, C.R., Shelton, A.M., & Hoffman, M.P., Cornell University
-Great background information (geared to adults).

Pests Have Enemies Too: Teaching Young Scientists About Biological Control
Jeffords, M.R. & Hodgins, A.S. 1995. Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign, IL, special publication 18.
-Excellent resource guide and lesson plans for middle school students on biological control. (for fee only) To order: call (217) 333-6880 or order on-line at:

Supplemental Worksheets

Join Our Pest Patrol-A Backyard Activity Book for Kids- An Adventure in IPM
Minnesota Department of Agriculture IPM Program

3. Fighting Pests with the Three Ps
14. Pests Have Enemies Too: Aphids and Ladybugs

Biological Control pictures
University of Nebraska, Department of Entomology


Lesson #12 - Resources

Internet Fun

There are many excellent internet sites on insects for kids. Here are a few to check out.

Yucky Roach World Website
Discovery Communications
- A great kid-friendly site about roaches. Includes IPM techniques to keep them away.

Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches
Information and stories about raising and using these insects in the classroom.


There are many excellent resources available for teaching about insects in the classroom. The following are just a few.

Using Live Insects in Elementary Classrooms
Center for Insect Education Outreach, University of Arizona, 1997.
-K-6 curriculum which includes 20 lesson plans that utilize insects to teach all kinds of concepts to young learners. Includes activity sheets, fact sheets, and rearing sheets on the insects used. (free on website)

Pennsylvania State University School IPM Education Resources
-The premier clearinghouse for IPM curricular resources, this website includes a comprehensive searchable database on IPM classroom resources as well as lessons and links.
Easy to follow online lesson plans on health and safety topics including head lice.

A collaborative project between the University of California-Berkeley and the Oakland Unified School District. Contains lesson plans.

Carolina Biological Supply, Inc.
One source of insects and other scientific supplies for schools.


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