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Watershed Technical Workgroup

Scope and Purpose

Created in January 1995 in response to the recommendations found in the1994 Strategic Plan to provide a forum for communication and discussionbetween and among the jurisdictions and other CBP participants on technicalissues related to Tributary Strategy development, tracking and reporting.


  • Follow up on the findings and recommendations in the "Tributary StrategiesTechnical Summary".
  • Begin work, in priority order, to quantify additional measures undertakenin individual strategies.
  • Maintain communication (initially) on a bi-monthly basis.
  • Track and publish an annual statement of the progress being made by eachjurisdiction and the federal government in finalizing, revising and complyingwith the recognized tributary strategy documents(s) for those jurisdictions.
  • Interface and support other workgroups or subcommittees as needed.

Tributary Strategy Tools

The Tributary Strategy Tools page provides key information, presentations, data, and other tools to help each jurisdiction develop their Tributary Strategies.


Chris Brosch - Chair, University of Maryland-College Park
Michael Barnes - Staff, Chesapeake Research Consortium
Mark Bennett - U.S. Geological Survey
Sheila Besse - DC Department of the Environment
Lee Currey - MD Department of the Environment
Angus Eaton - NY Deptartment of Environmental Conservation
Normand Goulet - Northern Virginia Regional Commission
Ted Graham - Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
Alana Hartman - WV Dept of Environmental Protection
Beth Horsey - Maryland Department of Agriculture
Bill Keeling - Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation
Lewis Linker - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Kenn Pattison - Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Robin Pellicano - MD Dept of the Environment
Diana Reynolds - Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Gary Shenk - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Kelly Shenk - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Tom Simpson - Water Stewardship, Inc
Helen Stewart - Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Jeff Sweeney - University of Maryland-College Park
Jennifer Volk - Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control

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Last modified: 06/06/2008
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