Indicators Workgroup

Scope and Purpose

The Indicators Workgroup promotes the development of indicators that effectively communicate progress in the restoration of living resources, water quality and habitat in the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed.  The workgroup provides guidance to Scientific and Technical Analysis and Reporting Team and the other teams and workgroups that have the responsibility for the selection of appropriate metrics and the analysis and interpretation of data for individual indicators.  That guidance includes:

A) Develop a framework that relates all Bay Program indicators to each other so that they provide a complete and coherent explanation of the health of living resources, water quality and habitat in the Bay and its watershed, factors impacting Bay and watershed health, and efforts implemented to protect and restore the Bay and watershed.

B) Develop guidelines for the design of indicators to provide the most effective communication with the public.


Nita Sylvester - Chair, Environmental Protection Agency, Chesapeake Bay Program
Michael Barnes - Staff, Chesapeake Research Consortium
Aaron Gorka - Staff, Chesapeake Research Consortium
Greg Allen - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Katherine Antos - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Sarah Brzezinski - Chesapeake Research Consortium
Anna Stuart Burnett - Chesapeake Research Consortium
Peter Claggett - U.S. Geological Survey
Adam Davis - Chesapeake Research Consortium
Margaret Enloe - Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, Chesapeake Bay Program
Katie Foreman - University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
Mike Fritz - Environmental Protection Agency
Jennifer Greiner - US Fish and Wildlife Service
Amy Handen - National Park Service
Megan Hession - Chesapeake Research Consortium
Jackie Johnson - Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin
Jeni Keisman - University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
Victoria Kilbert - Chesapeake Research Consortium
Mike Land - National Park Service, Chesapeake Bay Program
Julie Mawhorter - U.S. Forest Service
Rachel Streusand - Chesapeake Research Consortium
Jeff Sweeney - University of Maryland-College Park
Peter Tango - U.S. Geological Survey
Bruce Vogt - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Holly Waldman - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
John Wolf - U.S. Geological Survey

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Last modified: 11/18/2010
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