Source: California Invasive Plant Council

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Books, brochures, CDs and more

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  • If you do not wish to order online, print the order form (pdf) instead.
  • To order by phone, please call 510-843-3902.
  • Handling and shipping are $6.00 for the first item and $4.00 for each additional item. Sales tax will be added to items shipped within California.
  • We can send up to 10 brochures at no charge. For larger quantities, see below. Thanks to grant funding, any amount of the Aquatic Plants "Don't Plant a Pest!" brochures are available free of charge. Email or call 510-843-3902 to request free brochures.

Books, Reports & CDs

Weeds of California and Other Western States (2 vols.)

by Dr. Joseph M. DiTomaso and Evelyn A. Healy

This 1900-page, 2-volume set is the most complete book on weed identification ever produced in the United States. Identification guide to 750 weed species with 3000 color photos. Detailed descriptions of morphology and biology. Includes a CD with all photos from the book, copyright-free for educational use. $80.00
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The Weed Worker's Handbook

The Weed Worker's Handbook

Published by the Watershed Project and the California Invasive Plant Council, the Weed Workers' Handbook explains how to remove more than 35 of the San Francisco Bay Area's most invasive plants. (2004) $8.00
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Aquatic and Riparian Weeds of the West

by Dr. Joseph M. DiTomaso and Evelyn A. Healy

This reference manual combines stunning photography with complete information for weed identification and biology. Over 550 photos illustrate 170 species of submerged, floating leaf, and emergent aquatic weeds. This set of weeds includes common riparian invaders such as Arundo donax, purple loosestrife, Harding grass, and Russian olive. (2003) $40.00
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Invasive Plants of California

Invasive Plants of California

Invasive species - those nonnative organisms that aggressively spread into the landscape—are widely recognized as major threats to biological diversity, second only to direct habitat loss. This book provides specific information about the biology and control of the 78 nonnative plant species that are listed by the California Invasive Plant Council (Cal-IPC) as being of greatest ecological concern in California. (2000) $25.00
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Grasses and Grass-like Weeds CD-ROM

Grasses and Grass-like Weeds CD-ROM

by Dr. Joseph M. DiTomaso

This CD-ROM allows you to identify 200 weedy grasses using only plant parts visible to the naked eye. The intuitive keys offer a great way of self-tutoring on grass identification. PC format. (2005) $30.00
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broadleaf weed cd

Broadleaf Weeds of California

This CD-ROM allows you to identify 722 broadleaf weed species using parts visible to the naked eye. PC format. (2006) $37.00
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broadleaf weed cd

Set of Grass and Broadleaf CDs

Buy both CDs listed above and save! $50.00
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Yellow Starthistle Guide
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Yellow Starthistle Guide

By Joseph M. DiTomaso, Guy B. Kyser, and Michael Pitcairn

This guide compares the advantages and disadvantages of techniques used to control one of the most widespread weeds in California, including mechanical methods, chemical treatments, cultural practices, and biological agents. Includes case studies using integrated methods.$5.00

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Use of Fire as a Tool for Controlling Invasive Plants

Use of Fire as a Tool for Controlling Invasive Plants

By Joseph M. DiTomaso, Matthew L. Brooks, Edith B. Allen, and Ralph Minnich
Edited by Joseph M. DiTomaso and Douglas W. Johnson

This report captures the current state of knowledge on the use of fire to manage invasive plants in wildlands, so that better information can facilitate improved decision making when considering the use of prescribed burning for the management of invasive plants. $5.00
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Don't Plant a Pest!: Alternatives to invasive garden plants

Brochures available in packs of 100

Homeowners and landscaping professionals can help slow the spread of invasive plants by choosing non-invasive species for their gardens. "Don't Plant A Pest!" brochures suggests alternatives for garden plants known to be invasive in California. The brochures are designed to be an educational resource for gardeners and consumers, a tool for Cal-IPC members and others to use in approaching their local nurseries, and a template for other organizations that wish to produce similar materials. This information is also available through our Don't Plant a Pest! website.

  • For a free sample, or to order up to 10 brochures free of charge, please email or call 510-843-3902.

Don't Plant a Pest: Central Valley
(Central Valley)

Don't Plant a Pest: Central Valley

The Central Valley brochure describes multiple alternatives for: periwinkle; English and Algerian ivy; giant reed; fountaingrass; pampas grass; broom; scarlet wisteria; eucalyptus; Chinese tallow; and saltcedar. $24.60 (pack of 100)
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Don't Plant a Pest: Bay Area
(SF Bay Area)

Don't Plant a Pest: Bay Area

The San Francisco Bay Area brochure describes multiple alternatives for: periwinkle; English and Algerian ivy; iceplant; little leaf cotoneaster; licorice plant; pampas grass; and broom species. Currently out of stock while being reprinted.
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Don't Plant a Pest: Southern California version
(Southern California)

Don't Plant a Pest: Southern California

The Southern California brochure offers replacement ideas for: iceplant; English, German or Cape ivy; periwinkle; fountain grass; pampas grass; broom species; acacia; myoporum; Mexican Fan or Canary Island date palms; Brazilian pepper trees; and eucalyptus or gum trees. $24.60 (pack of 100)
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Don't Plant a Pest: Southern California version
(Southern California)

Don't Plant a Pest: Southern California (in Spanish)

No plante una plaga! is a Spanish translation of the Southern California Don't Plant a Pest brochure. $24.60 (pack of 100)
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Don't Plant a Pest: Central Coast version
(Central Coast)

Don't Plant a Pest: Central Coast

The Central Coast brochure is designed for Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and other Central Coast counties. It offers replacement ideas for: iceplant; English, or Algerian ivy; periwinkle; green fountain grass; pampas grass; broom species; and cotoneaster. $24.60 (pack of 100)
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Don't Plant a Pest: Sierra Foothills
(Sierra Foothills)

Don't Plant a Pest: Sierra Foothills

The Sierra Foothills brochure describes alternatives for periwinkle; English and Algerian ivy; crimson fountaingrass; pampassgrass; jubatagrass; giant reed (arundo); Scotch, French, and Spanish brooms; scarlet wisteria (rattlebox); Chinese tallow tree; tree-of-heaven; and saltcedar (tamarisk). $24.60 (pack of 100)
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Don't Plant a Pest: Lake Tahoe Basin
(Lake Tahoe Basin)

Don't Plant a Pest: Lake Tahoe Basin

The Lake Tahoe Basin brochure describes multiple alternatives for: periwinkle; English and Algerian ivy; giant reed; fountaingrass; pampas grass; broom; scarlet wisteria; eucalyptus; Chinese tallow; and saltcedar. Sample brochures available; please call us at (510) 843-3902 or e-mail We are temporarily out of larger quantities but plan to reprint this brochure. Call us.
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Don't Plant a Pest: Trees of California
(Trees of California)

Don't Plant a Pest: Trees of California

Trees of California suggests replacements for: black acacia; Russian olive; blue gum eucalyptus; myoporum; black locust; Chinese tallow tree; Brazilian and Peruvian pepper tree; scarlet wisteria; saltcedar; and single seed hawthorne. $24.60 (pack of 100)
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Don't Plant a Pest: Aquatic Plants
(Aquatic Plants)

Don't Plant a Pest: Aquatic Plants in California

The Aquatic Plants brochure covers plants used in water gardens or ponds and suggests replacements for water hyacinth; giant salvinia; Eurasian watermilfoil; hydrilla; Brazilian waterweed (anacharis); giant reed; purple loosestrife; waterprimrose; parrotfeather; and yellowflag iris. Thanks to special funding, this brochure is available at no charge. Please email to request Aquatic Plants brochures. $24.60 (pack of 100)
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Other brochures

Biological Pollution
(Biological Pollution)

Biological Pollution: What you should know about invasive plants in California

This brochure introduces a general audience to the impacts of invasive plants. $12.00 (pack of 100)
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Japanese dodder
(Japanese dodder)

Japanese Dodder

Japanese dodder is a parasitic vine that forms dense tangles on other plants. The state is working to eradicate this pest. Help stop the spread of this new invader to California with this multi-language brochure produced by Cal-IPC and partners. The brochure provides a description of Japanese dodder and information on how to report it in English, Spanish, Mandarin, and Hmong. Thanks to funding from the California Dept. of Food and Agriculture, packs of this brochure are available at no charge. Email to request copies. FREE
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Cal-IPC Gear

Cal-IPC Weed Warrior T-shirt


Tell the world that you are a "Weed Warrior!" Short-sleeved, 100% cotton shirts display Cal-IPC on the front and Weed Warrior graphic on the back. Sizes S - XL. $18
Cal-IPC t-shirt
No weed worker's wardrobe is complete without a Cal-IPC logo t-shirt! Short-sleeved, 100% cotton shirts display the Cal-IPC logo on the front. Available in white, sage green, or dark blue. Sizes S - XXL.(Sorry, XL available only in white.) $10
Cal-IPC baseball hats
(Baseball Hats)

Baseball Hats

100% cotton baseball hats display Cal-IPC's embroidered logo on the front. Available in blue or pink. One size fits all. $17
Cal-IPC bandannas


100% cotton bandannas display Cal-IPC's logo on one corner and the "Weed Warrior" graphic on another. Hand tie-dyed by a previous board member. Available in green & blue, red & orange, or green & brown. 20 inches x 20 inches. $9