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  • A row of two-story, red brick barracks along Montgomery Street on the Main Post of the Presidio of San Francisco
  • White airplane hangers with red roofs at Crissy Field backed by a stand of Eucalyptus trees and the Golden Gage Bridge
  • Andy Goldsworthy’s conical shaped 'Spire' sculpture taken from the edge of a stand of trees at early dawn
  • A runner on a trail cutting through the forrest
  • An Anna's Hummingbird hovers in the sunlight in front of dark foliage at El Polin Spring
  • Hands of volunteers tending to plants a the Presidio Native Plant Nursary
  • A group of two-story, white stucco and two-story red brick residentials adjacent to a community vegetable garden
  • Main Post

    The “heart of the Presidio” is a place to discover history, culture, grand open spaces, and stunning views.

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  • Crissy Field

    The northern waterfront offers spectacular views, amazing recreational opportunities, and the chance to glimpse rare birds.

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  • Spire

    Andy Goldsworthy’s iconic sculpture reaches for the stars while celebrating the Presidio forest.

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  • Hike & Bike

    Twenty-four miles of hiking and biking trails connect scenic overlooks, wildlife, and historic destinations.

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  • El Polin

    With its remarkable charm, nature and history, El Polín Spring is an outdoor classroom welcoming school groups, birders, history buffs, and picnickers.

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  • Volunteer

    Be a part of the Presidio’s culture of service. Volunteers transform the park by planting seeds, repairing trails, and leading tours.

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  • Living in the Park

    History, beauty, home. What would it be like to awake in the Presidio?

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The Presidio
is an urban national park that celebrates history, environment, and community, and that honors the Presidio's legacy of service.

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What's New at the Presidio

A group of a dozen volunteers in orange vests after a cleanup day.

Help Clean Up the Coast

Join stewardship and cleanup activities along the Presidio shoreline.
Poster for Free Shakespeare in the Park, featuring Henry V.

Shakespeare in the Park + Off the Grid

Free Shakespeare in the Park features "Henry V." Sunday performances are accompanied by food from Off the Grid.
Franciscan Manzanita plant

Saving the Franciscan Manzanita

This recently re-discovered endangered plant is getting a helping hand at the Presidio.

Upcoming Events

Help with vegetation management and site improvements alon...
Learn about the composting process while composting...
Exhibitions, History and Archaeology, Art and Culture
​Discover a sensory experience of the Golden Gate before t...
Help restore unique San Francisco coastal habitat along th...

Explore the Park


The Presidio Trust

Who We Are
The Presidio Trust is a distinctive federal agency created to save an historic American place and transform it to fulfill a new national purpose.
The Presidio’s transformation into a national park site is one of the most interesting and remarkable base realignments in the country – one that is bringing together funding and expertise from government, the private and non-profit sectors, and the philanthropic community.
Twenty-one beautiful neighborhoods.
Opportunities for diverse organizations.
Weddings, celebrations, meetings + retreats.