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  • ARRA JOBS Data

    Prime award recipients are required to report the number of jobs paid with ARRA funds for the reporting quarter expressed as a number of Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs). The total number of jobs reported by State Agencies, Quasi State Agencies, and Public Colleges from January 1, 2011 to March 31, 2011 is 1057.4 (initial data set). More information »


    The Wickford Junction Train Station is a critical component of South County Commuter Rail expansion in Rhode Island.

    Commuter service will be provided by the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), the station will ultimately link to Providence and Boston, MA with an additional stop at T.F. Green Airport in Warwick. More... »


    Each Friday the Office of Economic Recovery and Reinvestment will present State Agency ARRA financial data including information on award amount, expenditures, encumbrances, and available balance.

    View State Agencies, Quasi State Agencies, and Public Colleges ARRA financial information »


    Each Friday the Office of Economic Recovery and Reinvestment will present State Agency ARRA financial data including information on award amount, expenditures, encumbrances, and available balance.

    View State Agencies, Quasi State Agencies, and Public Colleges ARRA financial information »

Q2 2011 Reporting

Although the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board announced that the reporting timeline has been extended to July 14, 2011, OERR is instructing all award recipients to comply with the statutory deadline which requires recipients to submit reports to www.federalreporting.gov not later than 10 days after the end of each calendar quarter. For the quarter ending June 31, 2011, all 1512 Reports should be filed by July 10, 2011. More information »


State Stat Map

An interactive map that displays cumulative data on all RI ARRA awards (grants, contracts, and loans) subject to Section 1512 reporting requirements where Rhode Island is the state listed as the primary place of performance on the award. The map contains data from February 17, 2009 to December 31, 2010 (initial data set posted at www.Recovery.gov on January 30, 2011). Learn more »

Transportation Project Map

Transportation Project Map

OERR has posted an interactive map that shows ARRA funded Department of Transportation projects. By clicking on a project pinpoint on the map you will see project details including: project name and description, estimated cost, project status, start and end date, information on completion of project, and the contractor. View the Department of Transportation project map »

Funding Opportunities

The Office of Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Enhanced Funding Opportunities Section - you can now search for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funding opportunities by federal agency or eligible entity, or browse all of the ARRA funding opportunities. View the Funding Opportunities Section »

ARRA and Civil Rights

Recovery Act funded projects must be free from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, and where applicable, sex, religion, age and family status. The federal agency that has provided Recovery Act funding is responsible for ensuring compliance with the civil rights laws. If you are not sure which agency has funded the project, you may file a discrimination complaint with the Department of Justice, or call 888-848-5306/ TDD 202-307-2678. Detailed information about the civil rights statutes that apply to all Recovery Act funded programs can be found at the Department of Justice's website.

Q1 2011 Jobs Data

Q1 2011 Jobs Data from January 1, 2011 to March 31, 2011
Prime award recipients are required to report the number of jobs paid with ARRA funds for the reporting quarter expressed as a number of Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs). The total number of jobs reported by State Agencies, Quasi State Agencies, and Public Colleges is 1057.4 (initial data set).

View State Agencies, Quasi State Agencies, and Public Colleges summary data from the Q1 2011 1512 report elements posted at www.Recovery.gov on June 22, 2011 (initial data set).


Visit the Federal Government Recovery Web site.

state jobs

Visit the Rhode Island Dept. of Labor & Training Web site.

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