Pest Alert: Asian Longhorned Beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis)

Four Asian longhorned beetles on a stem.In 2005, Asian longhorned beetles were found at a warehouse in Sacramento, California. These pests have the potential to devastate our hardwood trees.

The Asian longhorned beetle likely hitched a ride to the U.S. in wood-based packing materials imported from China. Infestations were first discovered in New York, New Jersey, and Illinois in 1996. The insect killed thousands of trees, and removal and cleanup cost more than $168 million.

The beetle has the potential to destroy millions of acres of hardwoods, including forest, park, and backyard trees.

If you find a beetle that you suspect is an Asian longhorned beetle, collect it and immediately report it to appropriate authorities.

Asian longhorned beetle resources

The Pest Alert fact sheet and the slide show were developed to help educate the public about what an Asian longhorned beetle looks like, the devastating impact it can have, and what to do if one is found. Use them freely for that purpose, but please respect any photo copyrights and credits. For other uses, please contact Stephanie Klunk, UC Statewide IPM Program,, (530) 754-6724.

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