Red Tide Current Status

Regional Red Tide Summaries (March 1, 2013)
Previous Red Tide Status Reports and Regional Maps
Statewide Google Earth Map (March 1, 2013)
Current Map of Red Tide Counts (March 1, 2013)
Hotlines and Information Sources

Reports are generally updated on Friday afternoon (except during holiday, in which case the report will be released on the closest day). Additional information, if available, is provided on Wednesday afternoon.

To receive an email when the current status has been updated please visit our subscription area.

Regional Red Tide Summaries (March 1, 2013)

East RegionKarenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was not found in water samples collected this week in the Indian River Lagoon (Brevard County) or alongshore and offshore of Martin County.

East coast current status report - March 1, 2013
East coast regional map - March 1, 2013

Northwest RegionKarenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, was not detected in samples collected this week inshore of Bay and Gulf counties or alongshore of Levy County.

Northwest coast current status report - March 1, 2013
Northwest coast regional map - March 1, 2013

Southwest Region: A bloom of Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism, persists in southwest Florida, with the highest concentrations detected this week offshore of Sarasota County and in the Pine Island Sound system (Lee County).  Low to medium concentrations were also detected alongshore from Sarasota through Lee counties and very low to low concentrations were detected alongshore and offshore of northern Monroe County.  Very low concentrations were also detected offshore of the lower Florida Keys (Monroe County).

Bloom Boundary: The red tide currently affects approximately 100 miles of coastline from Sarasota through Lee counties with small patches also detected alongshore and offshore of northern Monroe County and offshore of the lower Florida Keys. Respiratory irritation and fish kills continue to be reported in the affected areas. 

Southwest coast current status report - March 1, 2013
Southwest coast regional map - March 1, 2013
Southwest coast bloom extent map - March 1, 2013

The FWRI Red Tide Status Line is now available to callers to hear a recording detailing red tide conditions throughout the state. FWRI updates the recording each Friday by 5 p.m. after sampling efforts for the week have been completed and analyzed. Red Tide Status Line: (866) 300-9399 (toll-free inside Florida only); (727) 552-2448 (outside Florida).

Other Harmful Algal Bloom Species

If you would like to learn more about other HAB species known to occur in Florida waters, see our Flickr External Website page for brief descriptions and images.

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Google Earth Maps
Users can utilize Google Earth maps to zoom in and zoom out on different sections of the state, and click on a sample location for specific information including latitude and longitude, sample date, and cell concentration ranges.

In order to view this map, you must have Google Earth installed on your computer. The Google Earth software can be downloaded from the Google Earth Web site External Website

View the current Statewide Google Earth map for March 1, 2013 to see detailed information on this week's samples.

Previous statewide Google Earth maps
February 22, 2013
February 15, 2013
February 8, 2013

Map of Red Tide Counts

Statewide Red Tide Counts February 23 - March 1, 2013
View larger map Adobe PDF

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Previous Red Tide Status Reports and Regional Maps

Select a date to view a PDF file of previous status reports and regional maps for each region.

Adobe PDF You will need Adobe Reader to view PDF files. To download Adobe Reader, visit

East Coast

Status Report
February 22, 2013
February 15, 2013
February 8, 2013

Regional Map
February 22, 2013
February 15, 2013
February 8, 2013

Northwest Coast

Status Report
February 22, 2013
February 15, 2013
February 8, 2013

Regional Map
February 22, 2013
February 15, 2013
February 8, 2013

Southwest Coast

Status Report
February 22, 2013
February 15, 2013
February 8, 2013

Regional Map
February 22, 2013
February 15, 2013
February 8, 2013

Visit the Florida HAB Archived Status Maps Gallery for maps for the current and previous years.

Key for Results

Description Karenia brevis cells/liter Possible Effects (K. brevis only)
NOT PRESENT - BACKGROUND background levels of 1,000 cells or less None anticipated
VERY LOW >1,000 to 10,000 Possible respiratory irritation; shellfish harvesting closures >  5,000 cells/L
LOW >10,000 to 100,000 Respiratory irritation, possible fish kills and bloom chlorophyll probably detected by satellites at upper limits
MEDIUM >100,000 to 1,000,000 Respiratory irritation and probable fish kills
HIGH >1,000,000

As above plus discoloration


MANY THANKS to the captains who collect offshore samples as part of FWRI's Volunteer Red Tide Offshore Monitoring Program. Learn more about our volunteer program.

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FWC Facts:
More than 1,000 different species of fish populate Florida's inshore waters.

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