Water Resources

What's New

Seafood Survey for consumers. Helping us design consumer education and outreach strategies to connect New Hampshire's commercial fishing industry with seafood consumers.

seafood survey

Water Resources

New Hampshire's fresh water and marine resources are critical to the state's environment, economic security and quality of life. UNH Cooperative Extension's Water Resources and Sea Grant Program promotes the protection, conservation and wise use of New Hampshire's resources through education and outreach. We work with partner organizations to bring research-based information and assistance to individuals, schools, communities and organizations throughout the state. The Water Resources and Sea Grant Team works with Extension Field staff in 11 office locations around the state. Click on the buttons on the left to learn more about our programs.

Contact Us:
Water Resources and Sea Grant
Kingman Farm
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH 03824
Phone: (603)749-1565
Fax: (603)743-3997
Email: water.resources@unh.edu

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