Research We conduct basic and applied research on topics related to family well-being.
Education We develop and disseminate research-based reports, curricula, and educational materials.
Outreach We provide training and technical assistance to others who serve individuals and families.
The Data Center contains the most comprehensive collection of data and information on Hawai'i's families, children, and aging population.

  • New data for 89 indicators on children and families are now available (updated: February, 2012)
Highlights of two of the Center’s current projects are described below.

KIDS COUNT is a state and national effort funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation to track the status of children. The Center on the Family is the state's designated KIDS COUNT grantee.

This month's issue of the Hawai'i KIDS COUNT E-Bulletin includes:
  • KIDS COUNT Data Snapshot: Reducing Youth Incarceration in the United States
  • Hawai‘i Youth Risk Behavior County-Level Reports 2011
  • Public School Graduates and Dropouts
  • Newly Launched Hawai‘i KIDS COUNT Facebook Page


The Center's Early Reading First Project collaborates with the Honolulu Community Action Program Head Start to strengthen the school readiness of preschoolers by improving the intensity and quality of early language and literacy instruction in the classroom and home settings.
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Center on the Family | College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources | University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
2515 Campus Road, Miller Hall 103, Honolulu, HI 96822 | Phone: (808) 956-4132 · Fax: (808) 956-4147 · Email: