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Guidelines to Prevent the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species

Based on Guidelines by the Recreational Activities Committee of the ANS Task Force in 2000 and the National Habitattitude Campaign

Guidelines revised based on input of members of the Great Lakes Panel (April 2010) and members of the Great Lakes Panel Information/Education Committee (June 2010)

*Regulations vary by state and region. Please check for local laws and guidelines before operating in unfamiliar waters.

Approval Pending by: Great Lakes Panel on Aquatic Nuisance Species

Boaters and Anglers

BEFORE launching…BEFORE leaving:


BEFORE launching…BEFORE leaving:

Personal Watercraft Users

At the water access before leaving:

On the trailer:

Scuba Divers

BEFORE diving…BEFORE leaving:

Seaplane Operators

Before take-off:

After take-off:

Regular Maintenance:

Use one or more method below:

Waterfowl Hunters

BEFORE hunting…AFTER hunting:

* use elliptical, bulb-shaped or strap anchors on decoys to help avoid snagging aquatic plants

Aquarists and Water Gardeners*

Alternatives to release:

* guidelines developed by Habitattitude campaign

Note: Use guidelines in accordance with appropriate local, state, provincial and federal regulations