An International Nonindigenous Species Database Network

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Distributed Database System.
Select your criteria below. A list of species that matches your criteria will be generated. Links to species factsheets and collection records will be included..
Group: Country: State:
Genus: Species:
Common Name:
Records per source*:

Select the participating database(s) you wish to include in the search.
NAS Database (Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database)
Chesapeake Bay Exotic Marine and Estuarine Species Information System
NIMPIS (National Introduced Marine Pest Information System)
Introduced Marine Species of Hawaii Guidebook
CIESM Atlas of Exotic Species in the Mediterranean Sea
Guide to the Exotic Species of San Francisco Bay
MIT Sea Grant Marine Invader Tracking and Information System (MITIS)
NOBANIS: North European and Baltic Network on Invasive Alien Species
NOAA National Benthic Inventory
RAFTS Invasive Species and Biosecurity Program
Search tips:
You may use this form to search for any part of a word.
Example: Common Name = "turtle" will return all species with the word "turtle" in the common name.
  *The maximum number of records returned per source. It is best to try and be as specific as possible with your search criteria.

Copyright ©2003, Brian P. Steves, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center

NISBase is a distributed database providing information concerning nonindigenous species. Through this site, users can access information on taxonomy, life history, native and introduced ranges, photos, maps, and impacts of aquatic species introduced around the world.