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Describes databases available online related to invasive species internationally. See Resource Library - Databases for general resources, other species, and expertise information.

Database: Atlas of Exotic Species in the Mediterranean Sea
Host: International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea (CIESM)
Scope: Provides a comprehensive, group by group, survey of recent marine 'immigrants' in the Mediterranean, which is undergoing drastic and rapid changes to its biota. Includes Crustacean decapods and stomatopods, Fishes, and Molluscs.

Database: Aquatic invaders of Belarus: Alien Species Database
Host: Aquatic invaders of Belarus: Alien Species Database
Scope: As of Jan 2008, the database includes 50 animal species, with the fishes and arthropods being the dominant taxa.

Database: Baltic Sea Alien Species Database
Host: Coastal Research and Planning Institute, Klaipeda University, Lithuania
Scope: Marine invertebrates, algae, plants, and fishes in the Baltic Sea region.

Database: Brazil Invasive Alien species Database
Host: Instituto Hórus
Scope: This database is part of the I3N network and you can now do searches by species, locations and a number of other fields.

Database: Caribbean Animal & Plant Health Information Network (CARAPHIN)
Scope: Contains plant pest and animal disease information for the Caribbean region.

Database: Environmental Weeds of Australia
Host: The University of Queensland, Australia
Scope: An interactive identification and information resource for over 1,000 invasive plants with detailed descriptions of weed species and thousands of images. Released Jul 2008; available for a fee.

Database: EPPO Databases
Host: European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO)
Scope: Various databases - 1) EPPO Plant Protection Thesaurus - online database which provides preferred scientific names, synonyms, common names, EPPO codes, and taxonomic relationships of organisms important in agriculture and crop protection; 2) EPPO Database on Diagnostic Expertise for Experts - experts from more than 100 diagnostic laboratories of the EPPO region have provided details about the pests they can diagnose and the methods they use; 3) EPPO Database on Quarantine Pests - provides detailed information on the geographical distribution and host plants of quarantine pests. Its search tools also allow the users to identify commodities which are able to act as pathways in international trade for the movement of pests and diseases.

Database: Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe (DAISIE)
Host: Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe
Scope: Provides a "one-stop-shop" for information on biological invasions in Europe, delivered via an international team of leading experts in the field of biological invasions, latest technological developments in database design and display, and an extensive network of European collaborators and stakeholders.

Database: Feral.org.au
Host: Australian Government Bureau of Rural Sciences; Pest Animal Control Cooperative Research Centre; University of Canberra
Scope: Contains bibliographic database of books, reports, and articles on invasive animals in Australia. Provides abstracts and links to full text. Also contains species profiles.

Database: Database on Introductions of Aquatic Species (DIAS)
Host: Food and Agriclture Organization of the United Nations, Fisheries Global Information System
Scope: DIAS contains records of aquatic species introduced or transferred from one country to another.

Database: Scientific Projects
Host: Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Regional Biological Invasions Centre
Scope: Various scientific projects

Database: Global Invasive Species Information Network (GISIN)
Host: DOI, USGS, National Biological Information Infrastructure
Scope: The Global Invasive Species Information Network (GISIN) provides a platform for sharing invasive species information at a global level, via the Internet and other digital means.

Database: Global Invasive Species Database (GISD)
Host: World Conservation Union, Invasive Species Specialist Group.
Scope: Focuses on invasive alien species that threaten native biodiversity and covers all taxonomic groups from micro-organisms to animals and plants in all ecosystems.

Database: InfoNatura - Birds and Mammals of Latin America
Host: NatureServe
Scope: InfoNatura provides conservation status, taxonomic, and distribution information for more than 5,500 common, rare, and endangered species in 44 countries and territories. InfoNatura is a product of NatureServe in collaboration with Conservation Data Centers in 12 Latin American and Caribbean countries.

Database: International Legume Database and Information Service (ILDIS)
Host: University of Southhampton, School of Biological Sciences
Scope: Catalogue of world legume species. Search for invasive legume species by scientific name. Results indicate existence of weedy populations, invasion impacts, invasive potential and status.

Database: Invasive Species in Canada
Host: Canadian Wildlife Federation
Scope: Database includes which species are considered invasive species, where they come from, their invasive range, how they are introduced, and their ecological impacts.

Database: Invasive Species in the Iberian Peninsula (InvasIBER) (Spanish)
Host: University of Girona, Department of Environmental Science
Scope: Provides a web database in Spanish, open to contributions by specialists, of the main invasive species in the Iberian Peninsula. Species grouped by taxa but all the database can be searched. Distribution records can also be added.

Database: Lithuanian Invasive Species Database
Host: Klaipeda University (Lithuania)
: Provides a qualified reference online system on invasive species in Lithuania; serves as a virtual forum on environmental and administrative issues related to biological invasions in Lithuania; encourages the exchange of data among different geographical regions and serve a node in the global information network on invasive species.

Database: National Invasive Species Database (Ireland)
Host: National Biodiversity Data Centre
Scope: The National Biodiversity Data Centre has established a National Invasive Species Database that will provide centralised up-to-date information on the distribution of invasive species in Ireland. This database will play a key role in recording, monitoring and surveillance programs. The Invasive Species Ireland project has prioritised Ireland's most unwanted species and to support this initiative the National Invasive Species Database will initially concentrate on collating data on these 26 species (these include terrestrial, freshwater and aquatic species).

Database: North European and Baltic Network on Invasive Alien Species (NOBANIS)
Host: Artportalen (Species Gateway, Sweden)
Scope: Gateway to data on invasive alien species in Northern and Central Europe. The portal is based on the latest scientific knowledge about invasive alien species. The new searchable database answers questions such as what alien species are present as well as how, when and why a species is introduced to the region. For each country information on the status, invasiveness and impact of the alien invasive species is available. Maps covering the entire region are available to show the distribution of species which are particularly a problem for the environment and society. NOBANIS is a network of environmental administrators from the Northern, Baltic and Central European countries working with invasive alien species.

Database: Weeds in New Zealand (Weed Control Manual)
Host: Environment Bay of Plenty Regional Council, New Zealand
Scope: Terrestrial and aquatic plants in New Zealand

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Last Modified: Mar 09, 2011
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